Great thread!

I am in a similar situation now as I have a pair of HTM-200's on order to replace my existing Mirage OmniSat rear channels, and am researchng a new center channel to replace an identical OmniSat. Since, I have the Sierra Towers w/ RAAL ribbons, the Horizon would be great! Currently, however; I haven't the room for one on my shelf below my Sony TV. The Horizon is something that might come later after I upgrade to a flat panel television that I can mount on the wall freeing up the entire top shelf where my current TV sits.
I've exchanged a few emails with David discussing this, and the CMT-340 SE is a good choice from the $$$ aspect. But; the Sierra Duo LCR would be best, especially regarding my space of 8.5" ! About $900 is quite the investment! So; right now, common sense might dictate that just go ahead & buy the 340!
My internal argument here is; what if I buy the Duo now, and later on after I get a new TV and free up that top shelf, that I wish I had waited and invest in a Horizon!! Yeah.... The wheels are always turning!
No quick decision here, though! Not in a big rush. My 200's won't be arriving until probably January.

I open to my fellow members thoughts here!

- Greg