what volume number could this sucker clip at with some heavy tool from say Pandura signal? 100WPC
I would love to bump to Anthem next but for now it will be getting a center DUO next, by fall is the plan.
this will help me pick an Anthem power level i think?

i have my max volume setting at 65 ,40 is kinda quiet and normal listening without the AC running! 50-55 for home theater when it is and stereo with music optimizer on and microphone set up i think the right way. never been past that. don't even know what it maxes at for sure, i thought a saw somewhere at 80? but it is just a number and i realize that.

wired ethernet from router to stereo and tv. HDMI to tv from monitor out not ARC crap i don't understand yet!

make sense? feel free to ask questions and straighten my old school out and up to date.