Sorry if this thread is off-topic here. I couldn't find a forum devoted to questions regarding company sales. I am trying to contact the Ascend company here, since email doesn't seem to work.

I live in Thailand and I would really like to buy the 2EX as it has such stellar reviews and overall value. On Sunday I sent an email to sales@ asking about whether it's possible to deliver it to this country, but I didn't receive any reply. 24 hours ago I sent another email to custservice@ and to sales@ about it, still no reply. So I'm really just trying to find out - did you receive my emails? I understand if you're busy, just trying to figure out if there's anyone on the other end who received my emails and will contact me later.

Also, when trying to register for this forum, I received an error saying that my email is banned. It's not possible that my exact email is banned or even my domain is banned, because my email domain is one I control and you never saw an email from it before. Did you just ban all Russian domains (ending with .ru)? My main email is from my own .ru domain (which I control and no spam could have originated from it ever, I should add).

Maybe you didn't receive my emails about shipping 2EX because you just banned all Russian emails on your mail servers or something like that?