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Thread: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in audition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Pacific NW

    Lightbulb Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in audition

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks to all of you who have posted with your experience about audio. I'm relatively new to speaker shopping, and your input has been invaluable.

    The facts:

    Sound is a nearly universal human experience. I love music, both studio, live recording, and movies. I have heard the term 'audiophile' throughout my life, and never felt it applied to me, and would typically feel out of place posting to forums with opinions about audio equipment. This community appears to be a welcoming bunch, so here I am...

    Having a budget to commit to audio equipment has been a limitation for most of my life. I have recently decided to explore upgrading some speakers of mine from the year 2000. (I don’t buy things frequently). I love my current speakers, however spare parts are impossible to find. Plus, times change.

    The budget: ~$2k max per set (x3, for 3 listening areas) (for me, this has meant a stripped down expense list)

    The system: 2.0 audio system (90% music / 10% home theater). No sub at this time.

    The speakers (choose 1):

    • Sierra Tower NRT
    • Sierra 1 NRT
    • Sierra 2-EX RAAL

    The spaces:

    • Living area 14’ x 18’
      - Long wall (chair) – TV - speakers 7' apart
      - Short wall (couch) – open to long room - speakers 12' apart

    • Bedroom 11’ x 16' - speakers centered 7' apart across from bed on long wall
      - laying down
      - sitting up

    The listening environment:

    In my recent research about speakers, I have discovered all sorts of specifications and terminology that can be quite overwhelming for a novice (like me).

    At the root of many discussions has seemed to be a place called the “primary listening position”. This appears to be a very important point for many people – however I have found through my speaker auditions recently that I enjoy sound away from a single position.

    I listen to music at moderate levels. Enough volume that I need to turn down the music to take a phone call, for example. However, nowhere near the volume capability of my amplifiers or speakers.


    • Significant other / guests?
    • Dancing anyone?
    • Music in the house while doing other things?

    So my priorities must be stated explicitly that may differ from others:

    Wanted: incredible sounding speakers that creates a sonic environment that permeates my space.

    You may be curious why I am comparing a bookshelf speaker with a tower. Here goes:

    1. Reviews reviews for the model
    2. Economics: similar price
    3. Space: similar area space consumption (a bookshelf monitor on a stand = a tower)

    *** and with that, I am going to sign off, and continue listening to compare my speakers that have recently been delivered ***

    I’ll have updates later, feel free to weigh in with thoughts.

    ~ Best regards


    Living Room- Speakers A.png
    Living Room - Speakers B.png
    Bedroom - Speakers.png
    Last edited by ajhudson; 05-11-2020 at 11:14 AM. Reason: added Sierra 1 NRT model

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NW Pennsylvania

    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    How far will you be from the speakers? How loud do you like to listen? My preference would be for the Sierra-2EX but that's because I love the airiness and detail of the ribbon tweeters. The towers will have the advantage of output and midrange detail.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    Hi Nate,

    I updated my post with images & distances.

    Moderate volume for me.

    Thanks for the recommendations,


  4. #4
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    NW Pennsylvania

    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    Since you'll be listening at moderate volumes and your room isn't overly large, I'd suggest the Sierra-2EX. Will you be adding a subwoofer? You could add a Rythmik L12 and still stay close to your budget. It will really fill in the lower few octaves and blend seamlessly.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    Quote Originally Posted by ajhudson View Post

    A sub is unlikely for the time being -- looking for full range speaker experience.
    FWIW: The Sierra monitor/bookshelf and a sub will be more "fullrange" than the Tower alone.

    I like Living Area B.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    Hi Curtis, thanks.

    I think perhaps my post was not clear.

    I intend to have both A and B setups. Not simultaneous.

    Thanks for your input,


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    Quote Originally Posted by ajhudson View Post
    Hi Curtis, thanks.

    I think perhaps my post was not clear.

    I intend to have both A and B setups. Not simultaneous.

    Thanks for your input,

    One setup used/moved between the two areas?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    Setting up 4 speakers in the living room

    - Setup A (for music only)

    - Setup B (for music / movies)

    I will run only A or B speakers, never both.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    For Set-up A, I'd go for the Towers (you're sitting further and these speakers are more sensitive). I've not heard the NRT tweeter, but I'd probably stretch the budget a bit and get the RAALs. Since you mentioned you don't upgrade frequently, this would be Ascends' top of the line and you won't have that "what if" question.

    For Set-up B and Bedroom, I think the EX's would be fine. You may be able to even use S2's in the bedroom if you want to save some money.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Hi from Seattle - Ascend Sierra Tower NRT & Sierra 2-EX RAAL currently in auditio

    I wouldn't call it settling for an NRT. I think alot will depend on what type of music you listen to primarily. When I originally bought my S2's, I spoke with Dina about this. As I recall, for rock/metal, she preferred the NRT. This is my primary genre of music, although also listen to jazz and classical.

    I've moved on to the Towers with RAAL (S2's now in surround duty) due to the dedicated midrange primarily and, secondly, the better efficiency. I am primarily music.

    I had considered suggesting the S1's for your bedroom, but as they weren't on your initial list, didn't. These could always be upgraded to S2EXs, I believe.

    If you do compare the Towers, S2EX, and S1's, I'll be looking forward to your impressions.

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