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Thread: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Hi everyone! I'm brand new here and still feeling that new speaker excitement so I figured I'd join the fray!

    My current setup consists of SVS Ultra towers up front and SVS Ultra books for surround and center channel duty. Using a Marantz SR6011 as a pre pro, a Monolith 7 separate amplifier to power everything and a pair of Hsu VTF-3 MK5s for my LF.

    I like to pore over craigslist from time to time in the hopes of stumbling across a unicorn. You know, little ol' lady from Pasadena ends up inheriting awesome audio equipment and just wants it out of her garage so she's selling it dirt cheap. I know, that some powerful wishful thinking, but those deals are out there and if you never look...

    Anyhoo, I stumbled across a pair of Sierra 2s, piano gloss black in pristine condition and got 'em for $650!! Needless to say I'm quite blown away with the Raal tweeters and almost equally as blown away by the bass these things produce! I love my Ultras but these Sierra 2s have my wheels turning and I've started eyeballing the Sierra towers...

    It's a sickness, this hobby. A sickness I tell ya! Ha ha

  2. #2
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    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Oh, I live in the Phoenix area and have appreciated high fidelity audio for as long as I can remember. My parents are music lovers and were both in a band. I used to hang out during their practice sessions every weekend and my mom had a pretty nice system for back in the seventies. For my seventh Christmas I asked for my own stereo in my bedroom.

    I've only really hunkered down in the last 3 or 4 years and put a lot of effort into it, but I went whole-hog. I downloaded REW, bought a Umik and a MiniDSP to smooth out my bass response.

    These Sierra 2s are my first experience with any type of ribbon tweeter. I know from my research over the last few years that the Raal tweeters are where it's at and I picked one hell of a speaker to introduce myself to them!

    Needless to say I'm pretty floored. They absolutely live up to the reputation. The big surprise for me was the bass. These little books can put out some real, usable bass! Well done.

    As of now I am seriously considering selling off all of my Ultras and put the proceeds into a set of Sierra Towers with the Raal tweets...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    welcome from amother new guy from Pa

    i just got a pair of towers with ribbons and i cant seem to turn off the stereo anymore!

    i think that is why i am here alot also
    Last edited by audiohead; 04-23-2020 at 10:29 AM.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Quote Originally Posted by audiohead View Post
    welcome from amother new guy from Pa

    i just got a pair of towers with ribbons and i cant seem to turn off the stereo anymore!

    i think that is why i am here alot also
    I'm debating with myself whether I should go all in on the towers or just spring for the EX upgrade kit. I'm after more SPL while maintaining sq. I like it loud sometimes.

    I'm not saying the Sierra 2s don't get loud, but I have a large room to fill and ample power to feed speakers and the Ultra towers are easily up to the task.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    i have a big room and went right for the Flagship as they call them.

    I'm not familiar with their line enough be recommending anything. Ill likely be getting the single Sierra Duo LCR center next, mainly because the Horizons are too big for my slot.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Gotcha. Well, I came here to learn so I guess I'll poke through some threads and look around. I'm unsure of what it is I want to do now. I started off shopping for a 3rd subwoofer and stumbled across these on Craigslist. They tossed me for a loop and I don't know the best upgrade path for me to follow here...

    Hey, thanks for saying hi tho! lol

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pogre View Post
    As of now I am seriously considering selling off all of my Ultras and put the proceeds into a set of Sierra Towers with the Raal tweets...
    That's what I'd recommend. I think Ascend's are the superior speaker. If you like them better, than I'd sell the SVS and get Sierra2-EX or towers.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Quote Originally Posted by natetg57 View Post
    That's what I'd recommend. I think Ascend's are the superior speaker. If you like them better, than I'd sell the SVS and get Sierra2-EX or towers.
    If I go the EX route I can save up for a center and use my Ultra books for surround speakers. All of my 5.1 content is movies or shows. Almost all of my music is in stereo anyway. I'm all set for power and subwoofage.

    I was looking for a third subwoofer for nearfield and damn near pulled the trigger on a PC2000. I figured before I do, it might not be a bad idea to scan Craigslist and see if I could find a bargain on something similar. Then I saw the Sierra 2s, in the wrong category, for $650. After a double and triple take (surely something is wrong with them or the seller is mistaken and they're the 1s) I contacted the seller and the rest is history.

    They're in pristine condition and the seller was a very young man living at home with mom n dad still. These Sierra 2s were not on my radar to buy, or part of my upgrade path. At all. I still love my Ultras and am pretty pleased that I wasn't as disappointed with them as I thought I'd be when I hooked them back up after listening to the Ascends (that Raal tweeter tho!).

    So, yeah. I'm an accidental member of the Ascend community now! I am enamored with these little books and am very curious what the EX upgrade can do for me, or do I go whole-hog and shoot for the towers? I do love me some towers. I can make the upgrade kit happen sooner tho, save a few bucks and with less effort for sure. So... 2EX upgrade kit, towers or find a use for the Sierra 2s in a 2 channel rig or something? Decisions, decisions... these are good problems to have, lol.
    Last edited by Pogre; 04-24-2020 at 07:48 AM.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2020

    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    So... what's the suggested crossover setting for the Sierra 2s? I've been setting it at 80 and it sounds pretty good. I noticed a lot of motion in the woofers at louder volumes tho, and it made me a little nervous. Should I be going with 90 or 100?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Stumbled Across an Awesome Deal!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pogre View Post
    So... what's the suggested crossover setting for the Sierra 2s? I've been setting it at 80 and it sounds pretty good. I noticed a lot of motion in the woofers at louder volumes tho, and it made me a little nervous. Should I be going with 90 or 100?
    To truly get the best answer is to take frequency response measurements of the your subwoofer and speakers in your room and determine the range each works best.

    That said, 80hz is a good starting point. The speakers are set to "small" right?

    I recently did some re-arranging of my system. Some furniture removed, so it gave me the flexibility to move the subwoofer to a better location. In my room, no matter where I put the sub, I have a huge suck-out/dip at approximately 50hz, so I put the sub where the dip was the least severe.

    I then re-ran room correction (i only room correct below 400hz), and the system set the crossover at 90hz for the LR, and 80hz for the center, all Sierra-2s. Previously, the system had them all set at 80hz.

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