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Thread: Cable or Satellite?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Cable or Satellite?

    So, I ordered an HDTV and I trying to decide who to get my HD signal from.

    I currently have DirecTV with a DirecTiVo, been with them for 2.5 years. The service has been great, no complaints at all. I have been a TiVo user for over 4 years.

    Adelphia, the local cable company, has what seems to be a great deal with a $400 credit spread out over 15 months to woo satellite customers to cable. No upfront costs for installation, an HD-DVR, and lower my ISP/cable modem bill because it comes as part of a package. Without the incentive, the montly cost is about a wash.....with the incentive, it becomes about 40% cheaper per month.

    I called DirecTV's customer retention department and told them my situation. The best they can do is offer a $20 discount a month for 6 months, $100 credit when I activate an HD*TiVo, free installation and upgrade of the dish. The cheapest an HD*TiVo can be had is about $825. So out of pocket expense would be about $725, and the monthly will be about 20% more for the fist 6 months....40% after that.

    So I am trying to weigh the level of customer satisfaction vs cost savings. Anybody out there have any insight or done a similar comparison?

  2. #2
    smokey's Avatar
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    This is a tough one, no doubt. The biggest worry I would have with either of those options is the lack of long-term control you will have over the box. Both of these guys are going to include DRM, and likely are going to kow-tow to what the broadcasters want to do, like use the broadcast flag to prevent you from recording HDTV like you want. It all seems pretty annoying, to me.

    My solution at this point is to build an HTPC with a HD capture card, but that is a whole different ball of wax. Even with some of the programs out there, you are not going to get the ease of use like with a Tivo.

    Not an easy time to be a consumer. Luckily, the choice of speakers is no problem.


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Augusta Maine

    Wink Content is the answer.

    Go with who is broadcasting the most channels in HD or the most important programming to you.

    I'm with Adelphia locally because they carry NESN which broadcasts all Red Sox homes games in HD.

  4. #4
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    There's a great forum at dbsforums ( where you can search, even if not a member.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California


    Thanks for all the info guys.

    The TV is here.....DVD's(480p) and SD look great. HD on Thursday from Adelphia. I am very interested in how the Digeo Moxi box will work out.


  6. #6
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    It really depends on your local options. I had cable here for years before getting frustrated with rising rates and poor service and switching to Dish. The only thing I don't like about Dish is the high compression they seem to use on some stuff. I'm debating what to do when I move to HD as well. On one hand, Dish has an inexpensive dual tuner HD DVR box ($550), but I don't know if their HD channels will be as high of quality given the compression they tend to use. Either way I'll probably be doing HD locals OTA. I have a hard time bringing myself to pay the higher rates for cable here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California


    Well....everything is hooked up. HD is pretty impressive.

    The Moxi box has potential to be great, but the software/hardware needs some polish. Right now, I think it is liveable.

    On a side note, I am actually at home....I think I finally go this flu/cold that is going kids are also sick. So, we are enjoying the new TV...actually, THEY are enjoying the new TV....nothing like SpongeBob on a big screen.

    Hopefully, we will pop in a family DVD in a bit.

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