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Thread: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    On and off this site for the last year trying to unlock my decision paralysis. Have read everything I can find on Ascend and pretty well dialed in on the Towers but like many others wish I could audition them first. Dave has been great thus far in answering my numerous questions and I've finally acquired the necessary funds so I just need to get off the fence. Appreciate the wealth of info to be found here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxtitleman View Post
    On and off this site for the last year trying to unlock my decision paralysis. Have read everything I can find on Ascend and pretty well dialed in on the Towers but like many others wish I could audition them first. Dave has been great thus far in answering my numerous questions and I've finally acquired the necessary funds so I just need to get off the fence. Appreciate the wealth of info to be found here.
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    David Fabrikant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Loveland, Colorado

    Default Re: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxtitleman View Post
    On and off this site for the last year trying to unlock my decision paralysis. Have read everything I can find on Ascend and pretty well dialed in on the Towers but like many others wish I could audition them first. Dave has been great thus far in answering my numerous questions and I've finally acquired the necessary funds so I just need to get off the fence. Appreciate the wealth of info to be found here.
    I did the same thing in 2016, read all I could and wished I could audition them before purchasing. I finally decided that the worst case scenario would be that I'd have to return them if I didn't love them and I'd be out shipping costs (which someone said is like renting them for an audition). So I purchased RAAL towers and horizon and love them. Good luck with your decision.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    Welcome and I'm sure you won't go wrong with whatever decision you make. I listened to the full line as am relatively close to San Clemente. Everything sounded amazing and if I didn't have 3 kids in college I would have taken home towers. I ended up with S2s and will never be rid of them. Good luck and keep us posted!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Re: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    Thanks for the input guys. While I am 99% sure based on what I've read that they would not be going back I would hate to put Dave and Dina through the aggravation of a return. If I could find someone within a 300 mile radius of Jacksonville that would allow an audition that would be ideal. At the same time I realize I may just have to roll with it an place an order. The only other speaker I have seriously considered is the Salk Song 3 for about the same price but they weigh in at 72 lbs apiece and are quite a bit larger than the Towers. I haven't asked, but think it unlikely they would have a return policy due to size and weight. And although a 3-way they have a totally different design with the single 7" woofer. So I keep finding myself back here. I do have a couple of lingering questions re the RAAL vs NrT and my aging hearing but I will post that on a new thread since this one is mainly for intros. Again, thanks all.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    Not to knock the Salks (I'm sure they are good speakers), but the Song 3 uses a RAAL tweeter similar to the one in the Sierra-2, not the higher end and much more expensive RAAL that the Sierra Tower uses.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Default Re: Greetings from Jacksonville, FL

    Quote Originally Posted by mikesiskav View Post
    Not to knock the Salks (I'm sure they are good speakers), but the Song 3 uses a RAAL tweeter similar to the one in the Sierra-2, not the higher end and much more expensive RAAL that the Sierra Tower uses.
    Thank you for that observation mikesiskav. I was aware of the difference in the tweeters. I think what intrigued me a bit was the use of the 7" Satori woofer. Two 5 1/4" (Towers) or a single 7 1/4" (Salk)? I'm not likely to ever hear both of them so I guess I won't know the difference. Both are rated 33-34 hz. I know I read somewhere that two woofers don't necessarily play lower, just louder (better efficiency?) and perhaps with more control. But since I'm far more concerned about the quality of the mid-range and highs I have to lean toward the Towers. And from what I've read their bass response should be more than adequate for my music. Thanks again for your response.

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