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Thread: Laying Ascend Speakers On Side/Horizontally?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Default Laying Ascend Speakers On Side/Horizontally?

    Want Shoe Information? If So, This Is For You

    Buying shoes is such a tricky process nowadays because of all the various styles and colors. What is your ideal shoe? Do you always wear the latest trends and styles?There are many questions to answer before you go shoe shopping. Read this if you need.

    A lot of people out there have one foot that is longer than the other. Try to buy some shoes that are going to fit your foot that's longer or wider so you can be comfortable.

    Wear footwear that are comfortable on your feet. It's important to care for your feet comfortable. You can do damage to your feet by wearing uncomfortable shoes.

    Wet the bottoms of your feet and then step onto white paper. The parts that show up wet areas will reveal your arch type. This information will help you find a shoe that is the right fit for your arch correctly.

    A good pair of shoes will be comfortable from the get go. It can hurt to break in new shoes and may lead to the development of foot problems.

    Get a pair of sports shoes.If you're walking, walk, or play golf, you need shoes that are well-suited to the activity that you are doing. They will give your feet well. Shoes that do not made for sports are not going to support will lead to injuries or painful conditions.

    Always look at the return policy when buying shoes online. See if they have a money back guarantee so you don't get stuck with shoes you can't even use.

    Try walking in shoes out before making a purchase. Walk around in the store to ensure they are comfortable. You should be able to feel any rubbing that might occur. This will allow you to save some money and time because you won't have shoes that doesn't fit poorly.

    Don't buy painful shoes thinking you can break them multiple times. This doesn't always work and you will have wasted your money.The only exception to this is if you plan to have the shoes stretched because of bunions or bunions.

    Keep track of the mileage you run in your jogging shoes. They take a lot of abuse. They last just short of 400 miles, so you should always keep tabs.

    A black Sharpie can be a scuff on a black shoe This way you will allow the shoe look whole; the damage will not be apparent.

    Invest in one pair of shoes that will look nice with a tux so you can wear on formal occasions. You can avoid wearing uncomfortable rental shoes.

    Do some searching online before you buy shoes at your local store. You may find that same shoe you like online at a better deal. This can help you get the shoes you're wanting for a lower price.

    There should be a half an inch space in-between your shoe and the end of your shoe. This can be easily measured by simply placing a thumb sideways and pressing on your foot's top.

    Go to a running store and ask the shoe salesperson to help you properly. There are all kinds of running shoes, so you'll want to get the style that fits your personal requirements.

    Don't buy new shoes too late in the day. It can sound weird, but your feet swell during the day and are largest at night, and you have to be certain your shoes are going to fit when the sun goes down. You may end up owning shoes that are painful by day's end unless you don't do this.

    They will be ready and waiting for you when you need to use them.

    Get to know the clerks that work at shoe store. They can give you know of sales are occurring and maybe even give you with discounts.

    Don't think about just the latest trends when you shop for shoes. The best shoes are the ones you love instead of one everyone is wearing.

    Swimming shoes can be worn to protect your feet when in the pool. They cover your feet that you will feel as if you have a second skin.The cement that's rough on the bottom of the pool won't hurt your feet, and you swim blister-free.

    Walk in them before buying them. The shoe's back shouldn't shift up and down as you are walking. Heels that do this way could cause your feet to hurt tremendously.

    This will make it easier for you to return or exchange the store if the shoe you purchased does not fit.

    As you've just read, buying shoes can be a complicated process. There is such a variety of choices out there, both in footwear and in stores, that the process is almost overwhelming at times. Luckily, you found an article with great tips. Utilize the information you've read concerning shoes so that you have an easier time.
    Last edited by ariekazy; 04-11-2018 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    NW Pennsylvania

    Default Re: Laying Ascend Speakers On Side/Horizontally?

    Quote Originally Posted by ariekazy View Post
    Hi All

    I recently purchased a LG OLED television and am now trying to improve my audio setup too. The folks over at avsforum have pointed me to towards several of the ascend speakers. I was hoping to get some help here specific to the ascend speakers.

    Question 1: I have about ~10 inches of clearance between my television and table. Also looking to keep them relatively close to the wall. ~8 inches. The left speaker would be in one corner of the room.

    Are any of the ascend speakers a good choice for my constraints? (Either by laying speakers horizontally+possibly rotating tweeters or buying multiple centers?)

    Thanks in advance for any tips/advice,

    - Budget-- Have flexibility here. Looking for good value, but am not an audiophile. Maybe <$1000 for speakers + center, but willing to spend for the Sierra-2's if that ends up being the ideal solution. The Sierra satellites sound very interesting, but am not sure about expected pricing/availability.
    - Watch TV/Netflix (70%) + listen to some music through Spotify/Amazon Prime/etc (30%)
    - Yamaha RX-A1000 Receiver (Hoping not to replace/upgrade this)
    - Want speakers that will sound nice anywhere in the area, not just directly in front of the speakers.
    - Room (family + kitchen) is about 38' x 18'
    - Have an old Energy XL-10 sub that I am going to upgrade. (maybe one of the Hsu's or Rhythmik)
    - Have two young kids (2,4), so safety is a priority. (No floorstanding speakers or stands)
    - Doesn't require optimal placement far away from wall. (I am about to return a set of Elac B6/C5 because they sounded boomy when placed underneath the television.)
    - ~<10" horizontal clearance. (Have a little wiggle room)
    - I like the ability to hear dialogue and enjoyed addition of the center when demoing the Elacs.
    - WAF/Aesthetics are a plus
    - I've posted pics of the tv area and layout in the first post here.
    The Sierra Luna are available now and would probably fit your needs well. I think any of Ascend's speakers could work well in you situation. Is it possible to post a picture of your setup?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Laying Ascend Speakers On Side/Horizontally?

    Quote Originally Posted by ariekazy View Post
    Hi All

    I recently purchased a LG OLED television and am now trying to improve my audio setup too. The folks over at avsforum have pointed me to towards several of the ascend speakers. I was hoping to get some help here specific to the ascend speakers.

    Question 1: I have about ~10 inches of clearance between my television and table. Also looking to keep them relatively close to the wall. ~8 inches. The left speaker would be in one corner of the room.

    Are any of the ascend speakers a good choice for my constraints? (Either by laying speakers horizontally+possibly rotating tweeters or buying multiple centers?)

    Thanks in advance for any tips/advice,

    - Budget-- Have flexibility here. Looking for good value, but am not an audiophile. Maybe <$1000 for speakers + center, but willing to spend for the Sierra-2's if that ends up being the ideal solution. The Sierra satellites sound very interesting, but am not sure about expected pricing/availability.
    - Watch TV/Netflix (70%) + listen to some music through Spotify/Amazon Prime/etc (30%)
    - Yamaha RX-A1000 Receiver (Hoping not to replace/upgrade this)
    - Want speakers that will sound nice anywhere in the area, not just directly in front of the speakers.
    - Room (family + kitchen) is about 38' x 18'
    - Have an old Energy XL-10 sub that I am going to upgrade. (maybe one of the Hsu's or Rhythmik)
    - Have two young kids (2,4), so safety is a priority. (No floorstanding speakers or stands)
    - Doesn't require optimal placement far away from wall. (I am about to return a set of Elac B6/C5 because they sounded boomy when placed underneath the television.)
    - ~<10" horizontal clearance. (Have a little wiggle room)
    - I like the ability to hear dialogue and enjoyed addition of the center when demoing the Elacs.
    - WAF/Aesthetics are a plus
    - I've posted pics of the tv area and layout in the first post here.
    Welcome to our forum!

    Are you able to post a picture of the front of the room? This would be very useful.

    Thanks in advance!
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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