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Thread: Sierra RAAL Tower Vs Aperion Verus II Grand

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Houston, Texas

    Default Re: Sierra RAAL Tower Vs Aperion Verus II Grand

    Quote Originally Posted by N Boros View Post
    If I’m understanding you correctly, you have tried the Sierra Luna’s as surround and found them to be overkill for your HT use, so you moved them to an office setup?

    I too use my Sierra 2s for a HT setup and I am debating the Lunas for surrounds. I’m pretty much convinced to use HTM 200s for surround backs.
    I've got a 5.1.4 setup - Sierra 2's across the front and HTM 200s for surrounds & ATMOS ( .1 Rythmik E15) For me, HTM200s are fine in surround duty as I'm not big into multichannel music.

    My setup is dual - music & HT, but seems to be more music than movies now a days. So, I am contemplating a pair of the Towers for L/R - any one in the Houston area with a pair that would demo them for me - just to get an idea of how they sound versus my S2's?
    Last edited by racrawford65; 03-03-2018 at 09:24 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Default Re: Sierra RAAL Tower Vs Aperion Verus II Grand

    Quote Originally Posted by N Boros View Post
    If I’m understanding you correctly, you have tried the Sierra Luna’s as surround and found them to be overkill for your HT use, so you moved them to an office setup?

    I too use my Sierra 2s for a HT setup and I am debating the Lunas for surrounds. I’m pretty much convinced to use HTM 200s for surround backs.
    If price is concern, which the original op was discussing comparing Aperion's 5 speakers ~$2,800 to Ascend's 5 speakers (~$5,200 RAAL Tower, RAAL Horizon, and Luna's), then Luna's would definitely be overkill compared to Aperion bookshelves for surround duty. I would get the Sierra 2 X 3 and 2 HTM-200 SE which would run ~2,300 and that would be a comparable 5 channel HT system. If I were listening to multi-channel SACD's or wanted to upgrade the surrounds, the Sierra-1's are great sounding bookshelves, probably the best sounding bookshelves under 1K, and that would cost ~$2,800. Again, alot is dependent on the size of the listening room which the op didn't mention.

    And yes, for me, the Luna's sound too good to be relegated to "JUST" surround sound functions... they deserve equal footing with any bookshelf or floorstander (with a sub) because they sound amazing, size not withstanding, the fact that they're so small and so easily placed make them that much more versatile.
    Last edited by crazycuz2k; 03-05-2018 at 11:15 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Default Re: Sierra RAAL Tower Vs Aperion Verus II Grand

    I know I haven't been on the forum in forever, but I came back when someone asked about my speaker upgrade experience and had to chime in here. I auditioned the Aperion Verus Grand I system when I was looking for speakers. I really did enjoy them quite a bit, as was said earlier the main hallmark for me was the soundstage width and height, especially the height. Everything had a sense of being grand, so the name was certainly proper, but there was a sense of a little bit of detail smearing. I bought the Sierra Towers without hearing them, but went based off the stellar engineer, technology, and a review that mentioned the bands Tool and Opeth as being killer through these speakers and those are two of my favorite bands.

    The main thing that struck me right out the gate was that the veil was lifted over every other speaker I'd ever heard, including the Aperion system. There is not a single detail that the Sierra Towers will hide. They lay all of it out for you, even problems and flaws in movies and music that you love. There's a major sense of "being there" with everything I listen to with them, even if there isn't quite a sense of envelopment in the sound like there is with the Aperion system, but I much prefer having immaculate detail to a soundstage that is artificially made larger.

    When you really break down the engineering of the two, the Aperion system was clearly inferior in a lot of ways since they use cheap Chinese cabinets and their driver materials are mostly PVC. Their tweeter design is a stabilized dome tweeter that is never, ever going to compare to the RAAL ribbon. Not just in one category, but pretty much every single one of them. That dome just doesn't even come close to doing the job, and it's a big reason why the Sierra Tower out-classes that speaker.
    PS4/Nvidia Shield --> Emotiva XMC-1 --> Emotiva XPA-5 --> Ascend Acoustics Sierra Towers and Horizon Center w/ RAAL tweeters (L/C/R), HTM-200 SE (Surrounds), 2x Rythmik F12 subwoofers

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