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Thread: Sierra 2 for both HT and Music

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Sierra 2 for both HT and Music

    Executive summary: Sierra 2's are superb for both home theatre and music.

    I read a zillion reviews of competing speakers, but ended up purchasing five Sierra 2's for a new HT setup. Located in a large L-shaped basement room, tile floor, and 9 foot drop ceilings. This room is acoustically challenging. Dave assured me the Sierra's could handle a large room. He did not fib.

    Started testing with Lord of the Rings on blu-ray. Dialogue is crisp and clear. Sound effects on the surrounds are excellent and those sound effects which exercise the RAALs sound magical. Lord of the Rings has some majestic music and it sounds rich and clear on the Sierra 2's. The bass is pleasant and not muddy. The first time I played the disc, it took a few minutes to realize the subwoofer was powered off. Amazing base for a speaker of this size.

    I rarely used my previous HT system for music but I just received a CD of The Piano Guys Uncharted and gave it a try. Piano, strings, horns, vocals and even bagpipes are simply lovely on these speakers. I listened to this CD for hours. If I were a lab rat, I'd keep pressing the lever so I could hear the CD on these speakers over and over again.

    I purchased a Marantz SR-6011 at the same time I ordered the Sierra 2's, and I was mildly anxious that the Marantz might not be able to drive these speakers, but this appears not to be an issue. These speakers are worthy of investing in a really goodt amp, so I may upgrade the amp sometime in the future.

    Vizinni might say inconceivable, but I say incredible. Highly, highly recommended.

    P.S. The finish on these speakers (satin expresso) is beautiful.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Default Re: Sierra 2 for both HT and Music

    Great review! I have 5 Sierra-2s as well. Love 'em!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: Sierra 2 for both HT and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by loafer View Post
    Executive summary: Sierra 2's are superb for both home theatre and music.

    I read a zillion reviews of competing speakers, but ended up purchasing five Sierra 2's for a new HT setup. Located in a large L-shaped basement room, tile floor, and 9 foot drop ceilings. This room is acoustically challenging. Dave assured me the Sierra's could handle a large room. He did not fib.

    Started testing with Lord of the Rings on blu-ray. Dialogue is crisp and clear. Sound effects on the surrounds are excellent and those sound effects which exercise the RAALs sound magical. Lord of the Rings has some majestic music and it sounds rich and clear on the Sierra 2's. The bass is pleasant and not muddy. The first time I played the disc, it took a few minutes to realize the subwoofer was powered off. Amazing base for a speaker of this size.

    I rarely used my previous HT system for music but I just received a CD of The Piano Guys Uncharted and gave it a try. Piano, strings, horns, vocals and even bagpipes are simply lovely on these speakers. I listened to this CD for hours. If I were a lab rat, I'd keep pressing the lever so I could hear the CD on these speakers over and over again.

    I purchased a Marantz SR-6011 at the same time I ordered the Sierra 2's, and I was mildly anxious that the Marantz might not be able to drive these speakers, but this appears not to be an issue. These speakers are worthy of investing in a really goodt amp, so I may upgrade the amp sometime in the future.

    Vizinni might say inconceivable, but I say incredible. Highly, highly recommended.

    P.S. The finish on these speakers (satin expresso) is beautiful.
    Thank you for the wonderful review! Glad to know that you are enjoying the Sierra-2
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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