
I really enjoyed the write-up too, however, I am curious how long you're going to keep the ELTs for? I will NOT be able to make it down your way next week, but I am planning to go down the week of 9/22 (following week)due to work commitments out of state. Questions: 1) any spare time early the week of 9/22 for an Ascend demo at your place? and 2) Will you still have the ELTs (assuming you have time for a demo)at your place so I could have a listen to those too? Better yet, maybe I could also stop in Hanford, CA. on my way to So. Calif. and pick up some Vandersteens at the factory and bring those down for you to demo too (hehehe)? JK... Sorry about that, all this audio demo talk can get a guy worked up, ya know... Anyway, thanks for your post!! Stuff like that makes a difference!
