So... time has passed. Things listened-to. Bits and pieces in between massive amounts of professional and personal tasks. Oh, and occasional playing of video games to keep my sanity. I grew up in an arcade... what can I say?


I still plan on doing a monster write up. I... plan... to, but things for this fall are still stacking up, and are spilling over into the spring quickly.

Suffice to say for the moment that I absolutely adore these speakers. If I were local to Mr. Fabrikant and his crew in SoCal, I would trade him the only thing I feel I could fabricate in parallel to an equivalent quality level: smoked pork shoulder. My hat is truly off to you guys. These things are stellar.

In the quick:

1. Imaging/Staging

Even if you're putting these near a wall, if you can, at all, at all at all, give them a little room behind to breathe. Even as little as 4-5 inches makes a world of difference. Definitely get the front baffles out in front of the plane of your TV if at all possible.

Once this was done, a fabulous soundstage emerged. Center image is rock, and I mean rock solid. I haven't had the time to put these things through my armada of test cd's yet, but so far it's been crazy good.

2. Frequency response (Bass)

I have never heard a bookshelf speaker handle real, honest to goodness, dyed in the wool bass as deftly as these things can. This is not an allusion to bass. This is bass. Especially in the dead-center sweet spot within the sound field. At that spot I am measuring damn near reference at 35hz. It wanes as you move left or right, and outside of the soundfield I can't say the same, but dear lord, when you're on the couch these things are incredible.

3. Frequency response (Treble)

All the way up, very clean, very balanced, fewest timbre shifts I've detected of any speaker I've owned.

4. Sound qualtiy (general)

These things are so very clean. Clean up top, clean down low, clean all over. Add this to the stage they throw and even plain old television sounds worlds better. Even the freakin Monday Night Football broadcast the other night was noticably better. I don't even WATCH the NFL normally. We were floating by on the channels and it sounded that good.


This weekend is totally blown for critical listening. Both days 100% booked, and both nights I'll be recovering accordingly. However, I highly suspect some of that recovery time will be spent on the couch watching selections from a certain Indiana Jones boxed set on blu-ray that the Amazon fairies brought to me on Thursday. Me and the Mrs do loves us some Indiana Jones.