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Thread: Ordered CBM-170 can't wait (paradigm comparison)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Are you picking up some Rockets for another room? If so, which ones?

    And how would you describe their sound.. Specifically, how forward are each compared to one another? (I'm not asking about warmth vs. neutrality, mind you, but, as in "Ascend is 2nd row and Rocket is 7th row". That's the comparison I am curious about).

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    rocket is very laid back w/ regards to treble. some people like it, some people do not. you probably won't like them if you prefer a detailed sound. (your analogy about rows is right on)

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    I was going to try and setup a demo of the Rocket 250s, when I order the Ascend 170s. Not sure which I would prefer yet, but I can see myself enjoying both.. or maybe the ELTs would be a better option, I don't know. We'll see. I'm not going to obsess over it too much. If I do get a demo, and if it's still a close enough call for me, I'll stick with the Ascends (for pricing and decor-fitting factors).

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Greg, have you gone out to stores and listenned to speakers? That should tell you a lot about what kind of sound you like.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    No, I haven't really done any kind of deliberate or extensive speaker auditioning. I don't really have much of an interest in doing that either, to be perfectly frank, audiophile-anathema I know. []

    From my casual observations over the years, I have the sense that I like detailed, crisp sounding speakers, however, my tolerance threshold for that type of sound is very limited. Maybe my one bum ear has something to do with this, i.e., the other ear is now more sensitive/fragile to this type of sound.

    So.. a neutral (or possibly a warm speaker), but with detail, sounds appealing to me. The 170s often stated aspect of forward, articulated vocals, holds huge appeal for me, as the clearer expression of interesting lyrical content is a big emphasis of mine.

    Then there is the value aspect & reputation that holds equal appeal, not to mention form factor. I like the relatively smaller footprint of the 170s, and the fact that these speakers can blend in pretty well as compared to the average speaker, especially now with the possibility of custom colors. Wood grain speakers (unless it's a company like RBH?.. I forget.. but the one that has like 30 different woodgrain options), I feel, are generally more difficult to seemlessly integrate into your decor.

    so.. all this brings me to the Ascend doorstep. I have put together a mix cd though, and when the Ascends do eventually arrive, I'll go out and checkout some other speakers in the stores to see how they stack up to these other brands and their sound emphasises/profiles.

    My one lingering concern is how they will sound with marginal recordings. Even if they are quite revealing of flaws, I might not mind it so much, but I don't know that yet. If it does end up really bothering me, then a back-up plan needs to be found. (See my post in the Totem thread for elaboration.. soon to come).

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    A little off topic, but when I put together a mixed CD, the recordings seemed to lose something from the original. Maybe it was my process, but it was basicly a drag and drop. I was also told that Roxio did not make good mixed CDs for some reason. Sorry I can't explain the problem and the cause.

    Eventhough you do not have the interest in auditioning, I think it might help you with your expectations of speakers and the marginal recordings.


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    I'm not sure why that occured, Curtis. I know there's some debate on the quality of making digital copies when using different equipment, software & methods. It always seemed to me that with the average ear, and the average equipment, any potential loss of quality would be extremely marginal, if at all.

    I just figured a mix cd would be the most convenient and quick way to compare a bunch of different music, some of which is recorded well, some not so well to downright poor, as well as other specific areas of curiosity or concern (subtle details, vocal styles, keyboards, etc.).

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    The test CD I made works well when I go to shops and listen, but there is one track that definitely sounds better on the original CD....especially on higher end systems.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    It lives up to its name. It is exact. It can even rescue scratched CDs with error checking and slow extraction.

    Be sure to use secure ripping. Compile your own cue sheet with your own wavs. It takes some getting used to, but experience is the best teacher.

    Learn it. Love it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    You are not the first person to suggest EAC.....I better get on it.


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