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Thread: My Parents have Ascends....

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Randy - similar situation here. the damn thing won't die!

    Back when I bought it, I splurged on a Mitsubishi TV that was considered among the cream of the crop. There were 25" & 27" TVs around too (and gosh those 27" TVs seemed big!), but they were beyond my budget at the time and 20" seemed plenty big for my first TV purchase. Turns out to have been my ONLY TV purchase, as here I am rapidly approaching my fourth decade on the planet.

    ah well, it's all or nothing for me.

    I guess that I just don't like to spend money, or more precisely, I like to spend money in the most perfect way possible for the budget I decide upon. So after insane levels of contemplation, when I finally do figure out what I want... look out! I go INSANE!! Hence, my soon-to-be 20" to 42" plasma jump. Or, my second hand boombox-like stereo "system" of the past and 'play only through the computer or cheap car stereo' present, soon-to-be replaced by a $2000 home stereo system! No in-betweens for this guy! []

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    Greg, I think you and I are very similiar in regards to our spending habits...don't spend often but when we do...GO FOR IT! I'd rather milk along my old stuff for awhile longer until something comes along that really impresses me. I think that is why the Ascends fit my style so well.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Yes, for me it's the old "if I wait juuust a little longer, the thing that I really want might come along or it already exists, but I decide I must wait for the price to come down because it's the ONLY thing that will satisfy me. Sometimes it's a matter of looking too closely, thinking too much and eventually finding flaws in the item I want, so of course, the search must begin anew.

    What starts out as a 3-6 month researching/shopping project, turns into a multi-year obsession with few reasonable solutions to tide my over in-between.[xx(]

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Just talked to my Parents. My Dad corrected me on the cost, it is $2800! Yow. Also, he wanted a small change, so it will be finished next week.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Oh good! Now I don't feel so bad about what I'm paying for mine. (Thinking as I was that your parents were getting about twice the size of display for the same price as mine was a little hard for me to take! [:0] )

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    That unit makes me realize how strong glass can be with the long span and cantilevered shelves.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default can be pretty strong. That said, I spoke to my Dad about it again, they probably won't sit the CMT-340 on the glass shelf.

    Welcome to the forum.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Update on my Parents. The entertainment center is in place. The CMT-340m's are setup. By the way, this is the first time I have seen the custom stands upclose, and I really like the look,very integrated. I think I would prefer them to my custom maple stands. They were using some nice metal stands that they got with used CBM-170's they bought

    Here is a picture. You can see the center channel sitting by itself in the left corner of the room, an STF-2 for the time being in the right corner. The 27" TV will be replaced by either a 50" or 60" DLP/LCD/LCoS type unit. The antenna on top looks tacky, but that is for a wireless microphone system...karaoke. That is my old HK525 in the entertainment center. Not finished yet, but it is getting there...I have fun playing music when I am there.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Birmingham, Alabama


    That entertainment center looks fantastic!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    beautiful. i'm sure they love it. can't wait to see it w/ a DLP.
    a company my dad works for makes some amazing furniture as well. (click on Portfolio)
    he's helped on several of those projects. he built the trolleys. they're immaculate.

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