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Thread: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    I have had so many people ask me about this -- perhaps it is time to get it of my chest although I know I have just opened up a huge can of warms. Thankfully, our forum is small enough that no one will pay attention.

    Quote Originally Posted by GirgleMirt View Post
    Why PM?
    Probably because one of those raffles was for my father. The actual donation was far short from what was collected/promised, even if retail costs for the items being raffled were deducted from the collected funds. This is a very sensitive issue for me as I had both friends and family participate in that raffle and I estimate that 50-60% of the donations went into someone's pocket.

    It is important to understand that the raffle in question was not my idea, it was volunteered and announced publicly even before I approved of it. Once I read what was written and the "support" it provided for both me, my family, and more importantly to my then dying father -- I gave it my full approval and backing. I feel terrible about this and it eats me up inside. How do I tell my sister (and others) that the majority of their donation went into someone's wallet?

    Could I make a big deal about it? YES. Will I? NO.

    My last correspondance about this was "Let me look into it and I will get back to you". That was a very long time ago and it will be my last ever correspondance with this person until this person makes it right, and the opportunity to right the wrong is open and will remain open.

    There -- it is out. Please understand how sensitive an issue this is for me and it will kill me to see this discussed in such public places as AVS or other forums. I am asking you to please keep it to yourselves -- I need to try and forget about it. Maybe getting it off my chest will help.

    thank you.
    Last edited by davef; 06-12-2009 at 01:07 PM.
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    Dave, I'm sorry if I opened a can of worms here, but you know how much this particular case bothers me, and I have known about it for a while now.

    Maybe it is because we have a close family friend losing her battle with cancer. Maybe it is because our family dog is also dealing with probable cancer. Maybe it is because I have had three close friends in the past 6 months have scares with breast cancer only to be verified as negative (thank goodness). Maybe it is my own employment status. Maybe it is all that chatter on the other forums and people not adding things up. Whatever it is, I now feel it should be out in the open more than before.

    It is the only raffle that was run by AV123 and its president I know of that involved a "real" charity. What has happened is terrible.

    I think you are being too kind with your 50-60% estimation. The equipment was suppose to be a donation. That said, the proceeds from the sale of raffle tickets were $12,750, of which $3000 was donated. is now off of my chest. I won't post about it publicly on any other forum. If you want to delete it from here, I will certainly understand.

  3. #13
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    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?


    Don't worry about it. You are not the only person who figured things out. Many others have asked me about it and it kills me each time I must respond. I figure it is easier to respond openly once rather than multiple times when I am asked. Perhaps maybe I can get over it but I feel like my entire family was let down and my late father completely disrespected. I clearly remember seeing the smile on his face when I informed him of that raffle and read the kind words which were written. It was special to him (and my mother) because this was an act of kindness from a total stranger.

    I need to look at the positives -- while we were clearly deceived, there still was a donation made to a very worthy cause - it could have been worse I suppose. I always knew this situation would eventually become public.

    Who knows, maybe the wrong will now be righted and when it does happen, I will delete my posts on the subject.. You certainly remember what I had to go through just to get ANY of the funds donated. If not for your inquiries, I don't think any of the funds would have been sent in. Funny looking back at it now -- all the those negative comments thrown your way form those who claimed you were full of crap.

    They say what comes around goes around and there is no better example than this situation.
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  4. #14
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    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    To the OP,

    Sorry for getting so far off topic. While I have no experience with the particular products you have mentioned, it does seem like a very good deal and I can tell you that AV123 has many happy customers.

    You might also consider our current moving sale special with 340 SE mains. Add a Hsu VTF-2 subwoofer (or similar) and while it is quite a bit more expensive than what you are considering, I am confident you would be most pleased. Is shipping also included in that AV123 special? You should consider the delivered cost of the products.

    Feel free to email or PM me.
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Red face Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    I wouldn't care how " good " of a deal it was, I wouldn't give AV123 one dollar of my money even if the issues discussed above were " resolved ".
    Dave has shown that he stands behind all of Ascends products and will personally........ ,let me repeat that, personally deal with even the smallest issues if need be. I feel anyone considering buying speakers owes it to themselves to give these products a try and to support a company that operates the way Dave runs his.
    I've bought 4 sierras never having listened to them, and felt they were worth every dollar spent and from the sounds of other people who have done the same thing with the other models, they feel the same way.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    Oh my.

    So it appears the issues with AV123 run deep over here too. I offer both my apologies and condolences to Dave F. I had no idea about any of this. I will keep my big mouth shut and take a more serious look at the current CMT-340 special.

    What I don't understand is how a company with as much public exposure as AV123 has can sit back and not address these most serious issues. I too would think these actions most illegal.

    I have an email in with them with them, no response yet. So far I am not impressed. Highly unlikely I will be supporting them.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    Damn... So sorry to hear Dave...

    I don't think there's any words to describe the indignation such a despicable act brings forth... It's hard to imagine worst than this...

    Anyway, as you said, good still arose from it. Curtis (thanks for pm btw!), it's still close to 50% of the amount... at least...
    Therefore… I will take the proceeds of these Raffles and deliver 50% to The Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in David’s family’s name – and the other 50% I would like to continue our work in Khabarovsk, Russia for the Orphan’s. These monies will be used directly for medicines that are desperately needed…
    12750$, 1/2 for Dave's charity and the other 1/2 to Russia's orphans, although I severely doubt any orphan saw a cent from that money... But 1/2 of ~13k = 6.5k, and 3k donated, so bit shy of 1/2... Still, Dave, I can completely understand the feelings after such betrayal by a friend, but we shouldn't forget the other wronged party: All of those who donated for their raffle and had their money stolen by this crook... I can sort of understand of why you'd want to keep this out of your mind and it not really advertising it, but making it known might actually rile up people and pressure the donated money to actually be passed on to those who deserve it... Also might prevent others from getting scammed with their raffles in the future...

    I don't know exactly why, but I've always felt there was something fishy with them. And I've always hated the fact that so many people seemed to fall pray to the gimmicks, cheese, hype, etc... But hey, I still like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and honestly, I just couldn't even imagine that Mark L Shifter could sink that low. And the worst, they still operate like everything is A-ok, and many still recommend and support them... I still think they must have serious cash problems and that's part of the problem, but man, to steep so low, they've really gone to the shitters as they say...

    even if retail costs for the items being raffled were deducted from the collected funds.
    Man, if someone's raising a charity, how could they not DONATE the prizes?! Damnit, if you're taking the charity money to pay for the prize, it's almost like pocketing the charity money by making another $2000 sale (and I'd bet he'd charge full MSRP)... and then I'm sure, if the money is actually donated, then they write it off as their own donation (tax return)...

    Anyhow, purchased 2 tickets a couple of minutes ago for the ongoing raffle... Not much but lets hope it helps a little bit... Luckily, not all people gathering money for charity do it for their own personal gain...

    It is important to understand that the raffle in question was not my idea, it was volunteered and announced publicly even before I approved of it. Once I read what was written and the "support" it provided for both me, my family, and more importantly to my then dying father -- I gave it my full approval and backing. I feel terrible about this and it eats me up inside. How do I tell my sister (and others) that the majority of their donation went into someone's wallet?
    It seems that you're somewhat feeling guilty for someone else's actions... I really don't think anyone would remotely blame you, nor that you should be feeling any guilt... This was obviously none of your fault... You're as much a victim of this as anybody else... No way you could have foreseen this, so really no reason to have any guilt about yourself...
    Last edited by GirgleMirt; 06-13-2009 at 08:03 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Torrance, CA

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    There are probably tax issues as well given there is probably some unreported income here.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    I made the mistake of getting taken in by the AV123 hype and boy do I regret it. It is the most poorly run company I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. Not only do I question the sanity of any person who deals with them with all the negative information you can find out about them online, I question the sanity of MLS.
    AV123 is the equivalent of the modern day "white van" it's just done Internet Direct.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: AV123 thoughts/opinions?

    Wow.....that's about all I can say....

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