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Thread: Hello Fellow Ascend Owners

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Hello Fellow Ascend Owners

    I'm in my third week of Sierra-1 ownership, and very happy so far.

    As this is an Introduce Yourself forum and not the Review forum, I'll keep this brief.

    My initial impression right out of the box was very good. I was immediately struck by the impression that the sound seemed to come from a completely noiseless point in space - there was no coloration at all, just the music. Bravo Dave Fabrikant! Like most Ascend Sierra owners, over time I've found that across the board this is without a doubt a wonderful speaker! I used to think PL II was best for all music, but I am now a convert to 2.1 channel listing thanks to Ascend Acoustics.

    I still need to listen to more symphonic music to test the Sierras' ability to render layering of many instruments with only 2 drivers, so I'll be back with my impressions on that later.

    The only low point so far is that I've discovered is that the Sierra 1 revealed the poor recording quality on one of my favorite jazz albums, Miles Davis' Kind of Blue. Flamenco Sketches is supremely relaxing for me to listen to, but the Ascends (and the rest of my system) are ruthlessly revealing of the shrill upper registers of Davis's trumpet. I've tried everything from placement, to adjusting the equalizer, but it's just too bright for my ears.

    More later....
    Last edited by novaduckfan1; 01-31-2009 at 07:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default Re: Hello Fellow Ascend Owners

    Welcome....OK....we are waiting for more!

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