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Thread: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!


    First, my most heartfelt condolences and prayers for your family. I lost my father to cancer when I was 20 and we went through a similar situation. So, I know a little about what your father, you and your family went through. I can tell you that the hurt doesn't go away but it does get easier with time.

    My children and my wife never met him or got to know him so you need do all that you can to keep his image and life in their thoughts. It will help you and them remember him. Then, as others have said, it's up to you to honor and keep his legacy.

    Our son-in-law's parents are serving a mission in Africa and they shared this quote from one of their new converts:

    "What you do for yourself is lost when you die but what you do for others is your legacy."

    Your father has left an amazing legacy, your responsibility is to add to it. Our prayers and holiday greetings to you and your family at this time. Your friend, Dave.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Unfortunately stories like Dave's and the others shared here are much to common. In my case it was my mother and similar to Dave’s Dad involved long dangerous surgeries, infections obtained from the hospital, long bouts of chemo, and in general watching my mother be in so much pain, but refuse to give up because she wanted to see her children (I was only 16 at the time) and grandchildren finish grow up. Until you watch a loved one go through it, one can't imagine how much of an impact cancer can have on mind, body, and soul.

    All I can say to Dave and his family is there will be positives that come out of this, though you likely can not see them now. Certainly one of them is this very charity raffle. Your family will come out stronger and closer then it has been in years; unfortunately it sometimes takes a tragedy to remind us what is important. There are others, but they tend to be more personal. I know these are not comforting now, but a year from now they will be.

    Good luck to you Dave, Rebekah, and the rest of your family. Strongly consider going to a cancer specific grief support group if you are not already. The hospice your Dad was in should be able to point you in the right direction.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Hey Dave,
    It's an ordeal no doubt. Lost my Dad to CA in '01, Mom in '04. Feeling helpless was one of the hardest parts for me. Hang in does get better. Keep your Dad's spirit alive in your heart, and he will be right beside you always, as my parents are with me. The raffle is a wonderful way of honoring your father, and all those dads, moms, sisters, brothers, children and spouses who have had to fight a singularly difficult battle with a guiltless, barbaric adversary. Some have won, many have lost, but they all endure in the hearts of their loved ones. Your dad stands proud of you, as does anyone who understands the journey you have had to endure.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Thumbs up Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Dave’s younger brother Jay writes….
    The outpouring of support and empathy from this community is incredibly moving. I’ve read every reply thus far and your words have got me all choked up. Many of you went through a cancer experience with a friend or family member and that says something about its growing prevalence. It’s tough revisiting the events of my fathers struggle because it is still so fresh. However, its important to begin taking the experience and turning it into good and that is what this raffle is all about. I live close to home so I was there with my parents going through the ordeals and it was horrible as many of you know. The shocking news that changes everything, the slow recovery and then maybe some good news, then more bad news, the hospitals, the surgeries, therapies, emergencies, the new equipment in the house, pill bottles everywhere, the tough calls to family members, needing help from friends, the fear and panic, the changes in your everyday, the constant underlying nerves…. and then the other side… all of the close family moments shared together, relying on each other for strength, the wonderful nurses and doctors along the way, realizing you cant take time for granted and using the moments you have for deep connection, saying what you need to say, remembering all the good times, taking great pictures, getting together more often, seeing each other going beyond their best, and being propelled deeper into the depths of this world whilst trying to find meaning and good amongst such difficult times. My Mother was lifted to incredible heights in the care, compassion, devotion, and love she displayed and continues to, for my father and family. May we all grow from strength to strength with minimal hardship. All of your support and wonderful words bring light into this world…. Thanks for being a part of raising my father’s soul by honoring him and helping others with your rightful intentions and actions. Good luck on the raffle and deep healing thanks…. Jay Fab

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Another bump for the cause. I have sent in payment for some tickets.

    Like many here, I have close relatives who are both cancer survivors and victims.

    My heartfelt best wishes to the Fabrikant family - I know this must be a tough holiday season for you.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Dave, I was so saddened to read your follow-up, but am so happy to see that you are seizing the opportunity to help others who are fighting this disease now and will be in the future. PayPal is sent, and I can't think of a better gift to give this holiday season. And thank you to you and Ascend for putting up some amazing products for the cause.

    Your friend and web host,

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!


    Your products and how you do business reflect your dedication, integrity, and honor. You and your company are truly remarkable in this day and age. Thank you for standing up in the fight against cancer. I'm thankful for the ability to be able to participate. Have a blessed holiday season.


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Since November 15th I've been on the verge of tears every moment of every day. I'll not go into details but for about a week I finally came to terms and have spent a week without tears. Your post just put me back there.

    I'm truly sorry for your loss, especially to have to watch your father wither away physically. But damn, what a man! To fight like he did to have every last second with you, your siblings, his family, etc...what an inspiration. He sounds very much like my father. I'm crying now for you Dave.

    You are now the proud owner of a legacy that your father built. From the sound of it you have a big job to carry that legacy. From what I've seen you should be able to do it.

    I wish you and your family quick healing and peace. And make sure you hold on to the good.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    Thanks to all of you for your support and for sharing your own personal experiences.

    I am happy to report that we are now approximately 1/3 of the way to our goal
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: New fight against cancer charity raffle!

    You're A Wonderful Caring Community...
    As Dave's aunt and his Dad's little sister, it's been hard for me to sit down and read Dave's words and all of your heartfelt comments. The pain of losing my brother is still raw. Feeling Dave's extended community, reading what you've each gone thru and knowing we're all in this together is comforting. My brother had a kind, caring heart. He was an incredible listener who knew what words to say when they were needed to provide comfort, guidance and solace. How I miss those words! But now I'm looking beyond words, finding his presence inside me and hoping that by learning from him I can help others. Cancer took him away from us, as so many of you out there have lost friends and family to cancer. It's a horrible disease, a difficult one to fight and yet it's important to me to fight back. I don't want to see others go thru what our family went thru. Dave's raffle really heaten's me, each response lifts my spirits. It's a way to fight back. I'm making a donation ... because I need to fight back, because I want to be part of this wonderful community and because we really have a chance of winning if we fight this battle together.
    May 2009 see us win some more battles against cancer.

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