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Thread: Looking for help with receiver upgrade

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    The only disadvantage with that receiver is that I can't return it to them unless it's defective. I doubt i wouldn't be satisfied with it--it has so many bells and whistles. I'm due my bonus at work soon. If I get a nice bonus, I might go for that deal in the next week or so.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    One thing that is really bugging me, both TV and certain DVDs (strangely only DVDs of TV series in Dolby 2.0), I still get clipping in certain parts. At least, I think it's clipping. Just a annoying speaker vibration that I really notice. I don't think it's the receiver though, because I put the dvd in my computer and heard the same thing through my computer speakers. The Ascends just make it even more noticeable. I just don't understand how the volume levels could be so off at the time of the audio mastering that they didn't notice it. I don't think this is something a new receiver will fix.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Trekkerj,

    I agree... I do not think this is something a new receiver will fix, simply because, there is nothing wrong. The distortion you are hearing is at the source and any receiver, or for that matter, any speaker, that is "masking" this distortion is not doing its job properly

    Again, Broadcast television audio is as poor as it gets, unfortunately. I honestly do not think there is anything you can do regarding this matter.

    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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