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Thread: CMT 340 SE Main review

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default CMT 340 SE Main review

    Well its been just about a month with these speakers and i have to say im completely satisified. Energy C2s were my first speaker i considered great sounding for the price range...10yrs later they've been finally beaten.
    Ive owned several speakers between the time frame but all have been quest for a better sounding speaker. Heres the list...

    Energy Audissey 2.2s...discontinued for a reason....terrible 2 channel..the bipolar..didnt do much for the surround.

    Axiom M22s..Nice sounding speaker...but lacked depth/soundstage. They nearly had a heart attack during LOTR reference scenes. The woofers seem to be taking on bass where it shouldnt of.

    Upgraded to M50...sounded like a curtain was infront of them during anything i would listen too. M22s..were much more detailed..I think the m60 would of been the best choice. Too expensive though.

    Fosgate Audionics FA62.0 A quality built speaker..which i wanted to like but was very particular on the type of music it wanted to play. Definetly not a rocker speaker. Minimal bass..and maybe a little too flat for two channel. Home theater....well recommended. Too one dimensional...they had to go.

    NHTs super zeros (bought with the C2s)...used for surrounds...but at times i tested them in two channel...very and airy.....very impressive..but i didnt have much use for them...i eventually replaced them with Energy RVSS.

    Yes the 340SE beat all these speakers even my energy C2s which i always went back to after selling off speaker by speaker. Ive lost a lot of money in the search of great sounding speakers and its safe to say i finally found one.

    My current set-up..Klipsch RC 7. center
    Eneregys RVSS surrounds.
    12inch DIY sub which i built!
    The 340se..blend great with the sub. Its amazing how well.
    Miss-matched system..sure...but if you were to listen to dts music...or movies u would be blown away by the set-up. Switch to two channel..sudenly you have soundstage...with a natural sound u cant tire of. Listen to sTp. WOW. Like many people said..this speaker well excell with good recordings. I like the bass...its some Rianna..i had to check if my sub was wasnt. I do prefer my mains set to large along with the center. These speakers didnt break a sweat with reference dvds..such as Titan AE or LOTRs.

    Enough said...thanks for all the reviews...ive did a lot of research..before this purchase and i wasnt let down. Thanks Ascend...i wont be selling your speaker anytime soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default one more thing

    Listen to any Radiohead Cd...If that doesnt tell you something about these speakers..well then your hearing isnt meant to be. Absolutley breathtaking.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by kjasey View Post
    Yes the 340SE beat all these speakers even my energy C2s which i always went back to after selling off speaker by speaker. Ive lost a lot of money in the search of great sounding speakers and its safe to say i finally found one.... Enough said...thanks for all the reviews...ive did a lot of research..before this purchase and i wasnt let down. Thanks Ascend...i wont be selling your speaker anytime soon.
    Hi Kjasey,

    Thanks for the wonderful review and I am very happy that your seach for speakers is now over You have tried out quite a few of them

    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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