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Thread: Jena 6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Default Jena 6

    Have you heard of (The Jena 6)? I would bet that about 90% of the USA haven't or don't know much about it. The media seemed to be so excited to put out the story on Michael Vick and dog fighting, but has failed miserably putting out info. on the Jena 6. Many people was outraged concerning Mr. Vick. Go to to get some incite. Dog fighting doesn't even come close! Where is the outrage? Sure the media has mentioned it very briefly but most of the facts are not public. Not taking away what Mr. Vick did, he made his own bed. But sometimes we put to much focus on the wrong things and miss out or take for granted what's more important! What are your thoughts? Click here
    Last edited by qqkltb; 09-07-2007 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Red face

    Strange... I post my opinion about dog fighting one hour later I get replies. Post about an injustice, hours later no one wants to talk about it. What gives?
    Last edited by qqkltb; 09-07-2007 at 07:03 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Manhattan Beach, California


    Quote Originally Posted by qqkltb View Post
    Strange... I post my opinion about dog fighting one hour later I get replies. Post about an injustice, hours later no one wants to talk about it. What gives?
    Well...most of us, as you stated were unaware of the Jena 6, so probably have not had fomulated thoughts already.

    The Jena 6 issue is indeed terrible and an obvious ethnic issue no matter how you look at it.....not comfortable for many people.

    The Michael Vick case involves a highly recognizable public figure making millions of dollars. I have no doubt that he being African American brings its own issues, but as a whole, it is different than the Jena 6 news.

    Take Lindsey Lohan, much of her issues are not unlike other "girls" her age, but she gets much more attention because she is who she is.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by curtis View Post
    Well...most of us, as you stated were unaware of the Jena 6, so probably have not had fomulated thoughts already.

    The Jena 6 issue is indeed terrible and an obvious ethnic issue no matter how you look at it.....not comfortable for many people.

    The Michael Vick case involves a highly recognizable public figure making millions of dollars. I have no doubt that he being African American brings its own issues, but as a whole, it is different than the Jena 6 news.

    Take Lindsey Lohan, much of her issues are not unlike other "girls" her age, but she gets much more attention because she is who she is.
    Not comfortable, that to me is a poor excuse, we should all be outraged!
    As a black man living in crime ridden Baltimore city, I've always been uncomfortable that's no reason not to talk about it.

  5. #5
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    Manhattan Beach, California


    Well, it was not meant as an excuse, but I understand your view.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Ahhhhhhhhh the good Ole Boy network strikes again..... sad really.

    I'm a White male, and I personally find this type of action attrocius, always was, and always will be.

    I don't want to turn this into a political rant, but I will say this....

    During Presidential elections, I see most of the South vote Republican, I am NOT against "republicans" per se(I really just want a fair, smart, and honest person in there-IDGAS what Party they're with- bought-off scumbags exist in BOTH camps), I just cannot even fathom that happening, so while I try and figure out WHY, I have come to some musings of my own to explain this "Oddity"..

    Look at the Map of the US, overlay another map showing the most educated areas of the country, now overlay another map showing the voting preference.
    Now overlay a map of all of these types of crimes......

    I'm NOT saying that folks in the South are "Dumb", I AM saying that highly concentrated areas of education tend to vote Democrat, yet the South rules Republican for the most part..

    Good Ole Boy network at it's finest....

    The Jena 6 Case is bogus, and unfortunately a fabric of society that still to this day exists PREDOMINATELY(NOT ONLY!!) in the South, and/or other areas of the Country where Education takes a back seat to poverty, and just trying to stay alive.

    Please don't take my post as an affront to the Republican Party, or the South in general, because this stuff happens EVERYWHERE....
    It just happens ALOT more in areas of poverty, and areas where even basic education takes a back seat to just staying alive.


  7. #7
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    This young man Michael Bell has already been found guilty. Sentencing will take place on 9/20/07. We all should be doing something to make sure this type of injustice ends, not only in the south but everywhere. This is a young mans life we're talking about here. Micheal Bell and the others, (Jena 6) needs our help. So as a concerned parent I would like to ask everyone to send the link to everybody they know, call your friends, talk about it on the job. Lets get the ball rolling to put a stop to this NOW! Please

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    I'll chime in once for opinions.....
    qqkltb, you are obviously justified in being outraged about this is very sad that in this day and age we still have issues like this dragging us back in time and showing us that even though huge strides have been made in equality in justice, the system still fails us.
    Curtis is correct however in his statement that because MV is high profile, the media gives that way more coverage than it deserves, thus the average joe watching the news is not aware of the Jena 6 issue. Should it be the other way around ? I would say Yes. But sadly it is not. It is a small town issue, until it escalates to someone getting killed, unfortunately, the media does not care. But if Paris or Lindsey barfs on herself we will get hr. on the hr. reports. Too many people get their information from the screwed up and slanted NBC nightly news and incidents like this pass under the radar, being talked about once and then forgotten. I'm not saying that for an excuse, that is just the way things are.
    The forum here has been slower lately, and is usually very unpolitical or news oriented. It is relaxation and audio talk for the most part. I'm not saying it isn't a valid topic, but the audience here is relatively small in comparison to many other forums.

  9. #9
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    Let me ask a hypothetical question.......

    IF this guy was WHITE, in a predominantely BLACK area, would you REALLY care?
    How about this:

    How about the WHITE vs WHITE gay killings in Texas a few years ago?
    The guy was gay- not a murderer, not a pedophile, not a rapist... he was..... GAY.

    Were you shouting to the rafters then?

    My point?

    It ISN'T ONLY young black men being screwed, and I'd like to know what you were doing during THESE trials and screwings?

    I can produce a crapload more if need be....

    BTW, look above- I ALREADY stated my opinion on your case, I even put myself out on a limb(against my better judgement mind you), but if your gonna come on HERE and continue to push for THIS PARTICULAR injustice, I wanna see where you stand, and what YOU did during the others.

    Please LUK what you did during these other trials.

    Thank You
    Last edited by muzz; 09-08-2007 at 08:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Well Muzz, your hypothetical question is most interesting. What did people do when the idiot DA pre convicted the Duke LaCross boys. They sat back and watched without any outrage. Jesse Jackson and Al (less than sharpden) also got on board to condem them before they had a trial.
    What about the recent execution style shootings of the black kids up there in Jersey......that were not the Illegal alien from South America. No outrage there either, just an unfortunate shooting.
    There are plenty of cases to be outraged about....... but they are not by any means all black and white or wealthy vs. poor.....

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