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Thread: trigger happy

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2004



    The fact that you continue this nonsense baffles me. To avoid further confusion, let's take this offline and actually have a conversation via an invention called a telephone.

    I can't believe I'm actually stating this again, but here it goes. An RS 750 Riser MAY make the product "better" for some individuals, but will have absolutely no effect for others - do you not understand this point? As some people need wall-mounts because a speaker stand simply won't work, some customers need more stability if the speaker as-is simply won't work - is that clear?

    Thus, for the last time, they are not "necessary" to ellicit the response we represent. This is my problem with your post, and now with TWO of your posts. Call me, please if you'd like to discuss any of this further. And thank you, oh so very much, for accepting my apology.

    Steve Ozmai

  2. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    And furthermore.. I'm on a roll here!.. in reading that particular post again from Curtis on this thread {the second of his three posts on page 2 of this thread}, the one being reacted to, I suppose I could imagine that his comments could be taken to be aggressive in nature to someone who isn't very familiar with his style. I think those of us who are very familiar with the way Curtis conducts himself on this, and other forums, we see his comments/questions as genuine inquiries offered with curiousity, as opposed to seeking to criticize or get one-up on someone.

    His follow-up post at the bottom of page two lends credence to my point, I think.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    I read your post (before the edit) Greg and, again, I agree. It is my fault for not reading the entire thread beforehand, though we're in the middle of a huge b-stock clearance right now and even getting the time to type between phone calls is nearly impossible. As such, I had no desire to read 35 posts full of non-sense and trolling simply to discern the "meaning" of one I actually cared about.

    The lesson has been learned. I do respect your opinion and your point of view though - had I read through start to finish, I probably would not have posted.

    Thank you!

    Steve Ozmai

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California



    Yes...I understand the point you are making. The riser goes on the floor where the speaker is/was. A wallmount is so you can mount the speaker in a different location. I realize the riser may or may not make the speaker sound better, but when someone is not happy with the sound of the RS750, the riser is almost always suggested.

    I see that my post/reply to Eric has been posted out of context over at AV123. Brucer has posted a snapshot of my post, smart move since people can not see Eric's post. It would be much appreciated.

    Would you be willing to help get that fixed? Obviously I can not defend myself because Sean closed the thread, I would like to reference Eric D's post. Now I feel like azanon.

    I do not want to take this offline. You have taken your issues publicly, so I would hope you would want to keep it public. If you had responded to me privately it would have stayed private.


  5. #55
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    None of what I have done is in the interest of "taking shots" Curtis - though you continue to post this for your members to read - do what you feel is right.

    I have met and spoken with David, and have exchanged several e-mails with him. I have no problem with Ascend or the products HE (and not you) produces. I have had these in our office, have seen prototypes of products even you won't see, and respect what he has done. In fact, as I have explained to him several times in the past, I appreciate the products he has made available, as they allow me to assist MY customers more effectively, by providing a high-performance low-cost alternative when our speakers just won't work. There is more than enough room for all of us in this industry, and the sooner you realize this, the better you'll be. More than a few times have I sent a customer packing to the Ascend website. So, again, get your facts straight before you begin hinting at my motives without speaking with me first - unless this is all a big show, in which case you may do what you please.

    My reason for posting was to confront an opinion you expressed that was clearly not accurate and misleading - the end, that's it. I don't like making a public show out of this garbage - hence the phone call request. You may defend yourself all you like and have the last word - I'm not hell-bent on proving you wrong. My suggestion to you was simply to clear this up and speak man to man so that future discussions are not built upon this exchange. Fair enough though - I'll accept your decline gracefully and make my exit. I have to say it's quite a shame what has transpired this week.

    Steve Ozmai

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    OK Steve, my apologies for using the "shots" word...I have changed it to "issues".

    Nonetheless....there is still a post out of context on AV123.


  7. #57
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Yeouch! And although I hate to give him the pleasure, please understand that my choice of $ amounts was arbitrary, and chosen in response to Jake-the-troll's choice of words as follows:

    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I mean c'mon...selling a $1500 "tuning" software for a speaker that only costs $1400? Who the heck in their right mind would buy that? I can see if the speakers costs $40,000 that maybe it would justify the costs, but $100 more than the speakers? <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    Methinks the choice of titles for this thread was well made. Now to head over to AV123 to see what this quotation is all about... [V]

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Ya'll are silly!

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Just for the record, I edited out my last post thinking that nobody had a change to see it yet, but Steve, as he noted in follow-up message, already had. Sooo.. for the sake of not creating any unnecessary mystery for anyone, I've put my comments back in, albeit slightly modified.

    I initially edited out those above comments simply because there were several posts made just immediately prior to my posting at the time, that I felt my post wasn't quite relevent anymore (as Curtis himself started to respond in his own defense). Sorry if I cause any confusion.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    off topic to Eric D. -

    referring to your earlier post, anyone who quotes Dr. Dean Edell is alright by me.. if more people would follow his health care advice, there'd be alot less gullible, misguided people in this world!

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