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Thread: The AVS Forum Fiasco discussion...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Is there an alternative forum? Clearly right hear at Ascend Acoustics our forum is the best place to discuss the Sierra. I just got back from the AVS forum and while reading through the Sierra thread I asked myself Why is this discussion taking place here and not at the Ascend forum? Some interesting stuff is being talked about. Maybe we should have our own dedicated Sierra topic heading discussion and support on all things Sierra. Of course this is my opinion and I hope worth consideration.

    I understand the need for Ascends to be on the Avs forum. It is well established, huge, and offers tremendous exposure for Ascend, and if I am correct it is also free.

    I think sometimes whether people who post on AVS even know that Ascend has its own forum with a highly knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and very friendly membership. Who are ready and willing to discuss, help and assist in all things Audio, video ,and even beyond.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by clarke68
    I applaud you for the class & tact with which you handle yourself over there...seems like you need rhinoceros skin to run an ID audio company!
    Thanks Clarke -- to be honest, I definitely do NOT have rhinoceros skin. Much of what goes on drives me crazy and gets to me more than it probably should. Some of the accusations are so far from the truth that it is laughable, other times they downright offend and really bother me. Often I tell my wife that I just can't take it anymore. The people who criticize don't know me, know nothing about how I live or how hard I work. Thank god for the kids --- I can have the worst day imaginable and after 5 minutes with Matt and Nicole, I could care less...
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie Horton
    I don't understand how John (Alimental) gets to say whatever he wants, derail as many threads about products that are beneath him and that he'll never listen to or buy as he wants, and nothing is said by the mods. He's a retailer and probably has received a good bit of free business from the folks on AVS, so I don't get it. There are plenty of products that just don't do it for me, but I'd rather spend my time talking about the things that do. Why do some of us feel the need to "protect" other people from enjoying whatever they want, even if we think it's foolish or there's something better out there? Ok, rant over.
    Agreed. He (she?) floats like a black cloud over many threads in AVS. Unfortunately, people always take his (her?) bait and threads spiral into smack-talking & chest-thumping. He's like the kid that shows up at a birthday and ruins all the fun. Most trolls seem to come and go, but he (she?) just doesn't seem to go away.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by BGHD
    Agreed. He (she?) floats like a black cloud over many threads in AVS. Unfortunately, people always take his (her?) bait and threads spiral into smack-talking & chest-thumping. He's like the kid that shows up at a birthday and ruins all the fun. Most trolls seem to come and go, but he (she?) just doesn't seem to go away.

    One problem is, people always seem to take offense to anything that doesn't agree with their setup or views. His top whatever reasons threads had people mad/offended because he used the word "compromised." My setup is "compromised" but I use room treatments and deal with it the best I can. I don't get mad about it. I just continue to enjoy my setup. He may go overboard and he's definitely not p.c., but you're right, and it's how people choose to react that starts the spiraling downward.

    I don't know him personally and have never really spoken with him, but will be meeting him soon when I bring my 340se's to his shop. Should be a good time and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say. Good or bad, I'll just keep enjoying my speakers.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by BGHD
    Most trolls seem to come and go, but he (she?) just doesn't seem to go away.
    Maybe it's a succession of different trolls of unusual size who assume the name in order to carry on the tradition. You see, the name is the important thing for inspiring the necessary indignation. I mean, to take a similar example, no one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Westley.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by nguay
    One problem is, people always seem to take offense to anything that doesn't agree with their setup or views. His top whatever reasons threads had people mad/offended because he used the word "compromised." My setup is "compromised" but I use room treatments and deal with it the best I can. I don't get mad about it. I just continue to enjoy my setup. He may go overboard and he's definitely not p.c., but you're right, and it's how people choose to react that starts the spiraling downward.

    I don't know him personally and have never really spoken with him, but will be meeting him soon when I bring my 340se's to his shop. Should be a good time and it will be interesting to hear what he has to say. Good or bad, I'll just keep enjoying my speakers.
    That's a good attitude. Well, hopefully he is a good guy, he's probably just not very PC on some threads/forums I guess. I've read he's quite helpful to customers interested in demoing products he sells.

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