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Thread: The AVS Forum Fiasco discussion...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Exclamation The AVS Forum Fiasco discussion...

    Hey folks,

    I am NOT trying to start a flamewar, but I was, and still am, a bit disturbed by the closure of 1 Sierra thread, and the complete DELETION of another.

    There was a response in the pricing thread, that I would like to respond to here, as I didn't want to turn that thread into a morass......

    So I figured, I'd bring it up here instead.

    Here is the Post I am responding to, and I understand EXACTLY what Quinn is saying, and take my share of the responsibilty for my own behavior ( believe it or not, I held back quite a bit) in that thread....

    Quote Originally Posted by Quinn
    I was waiting for that 2nd thread to get deleted. You can't thumb your nose at the AVS mods on AVS and expect them to let it slide. There were Ascend fans on that 2nd thread calling out the AVS mods after having a thread closed and a warning issued.
    Of course there was some hostility in 2nd thread.

    The 1st thread that was LOCKED, was for a really weak excuse, all you need to do is peruse around AVS, and you will see PLENTY of threads in regards to stuff that is NOT on the market.

    Quick look around=

    The NHT thread, that is many pages long, was started AUGUST/30/05, and is still going strong.... first lines in that thread?

    From a NHT newsletter.


    Scheduled to ship in October, NHT CLASSIC will consist of the following eight models.

    The NEW B&W600 series thread (they weren't available, they were linking BROCHURES!!)

    ARRRRRRRGHHHHHHH, this happens EVERYDAY at AVS, I can go on there right now and pull up 10 threads that are HYPING an upcoming product, whether it be an upcoming HDTV, an Upcoming BD player, an upcoming PJ, Upcoming HD Radios,Upcoming this and upcoming that!!

    That "Support" excuse is PURE garbage, plain and simple, and yeah it pissed alot of us off...
    I myself was a bit ugly on there, I will not deny it, but the excuse for some of their heavy handedness is outright pathetic..

    And well, if it wasn't for us enthusiasts, they wouldn't have a forum to peddle their wares in the first place, so IMO it works BOTH ways.

    WHY weren't some of the guys in that first thread warned, or why were they allowed to stir up trouble, what ever happened to actually monitoring threads, and deleting offending posts?

    I am aware of the member count there, it is obviously VERY busy, and they have ALOT to monitor, but really, a thread that is taking off like that one was, should OBVIOUSLY be easily seen, and monitored.

    If ANYONE wants to throw that STUPID, BS excuse out there again, don't waste your time, I have already given 2 PRIME examples of that being total bullshit, and like I said, it wouldn't take long to find more examples.

    I am aware that noone is perfect, especially me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Los Angeles, CA

    Default No easy answer

    It has nothing to do with being a pre-anounced product.

    AVS forums are there based upon one real purpose. The economic benefit/lack of costs to AV Science. They like that enthusiasts come. They like the membership, but if users complain about a thread, or more importantly, if advertisers complain about a thread, it will get deleted.

    My ancedotal experience suggests that keeping calm in the heated discussions and just ignoring the taunts is the best way to keep a thread open. Not easy of course.

    In the near term, my hope is that someone will be able to post their own first hand comments about their own expereinces with the Sierras and people who are interested in the topic will ask questions and people who aren't, just won't . I can hope anyways

    When something new comes out in home theater it can be exiciting for us enthusiasts. People who are excited try to describe positive attributes and the phsyical properties that they think are contributing to the positives. This stuff can get emotional for people and then you get mean posts. I assume that most of the users at avs are just individuals and are there in their free time. I wish they would chill and remember it is supposed to be an enjoable hobby. :P
    And for those members that are 'turfing the forums for a business reason, you can usually detect it in their posts and just add those users to your ignore list.

    Happy reading
    Last edited by bleair; 05-20-2007 at 05:13 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    I have not and wil not post in the avs speaker forum. I would highly recommend everyone to to use the Ascend Acoustics forum.

    I admire curtis ablility to handle with skill the avs forum
    Last edited by jvillas; 05-20-2007 at 06:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Yes, Curtis is very calm and restrained(Oh, he gets pissed, but he does really well gathering himself.. thats why he has the kind of job that he does), he and I have discussed this b4,and I have given him props for that.

    I am actually VERY mellow in comparison to how I used to be, I know some folks may find that hard to believe, but it's true.
    I believe part of that is attributed to talking with Curtis(the other part? Getting older, and dealing with that crap more and more.. practice makes ...), and watching him wade through the minefield with nary a scratch, it is usually quite impressive when things start getting ugly on there.

    Lets just say he's the good cop, but at least I am no longer a prisoner......

    All I DO know, is what went on over there, was total bullshit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Hi muzz, I agree with you in total. While I refuse to post on avs I do regularly visit and read many of the messages. I read then saw the disappearing Ascend thread, and the closing of the other. The administering of the speaker forum is quite poor. I will in the future watch for your posts. Stay Cool

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    I actually stopped posting there for awhile, they actually banned me(3 days- like I was a HS kid... good grief) for joking around with Mark Schifter(?).
    It was CLEARLY a joke, it was NOT obscene either.
    He even told me later, that he knew it was a joke, and that HE laughed........

    Their excuse?
    Derailing threads, and something like rude remarks.....


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    My point exactly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California

    Default praise for me. I get as upset as others, and I have lost it a couple times.

    The thing with AVS is that there is not someone watching the threads full time, and when something is reported, the mods do not usually read through the whole thread.

    The forums all have their host of characters, some that I am highly suspicious of(and I am sure some are very suspicious of me), some that are just flat out strange.....and everything in between.

    Ascend puts out great product, no advertising, and lets the products do the talking. Because of this, people think the forums are used for the marketing, and in a way, they voice an opinion there....if the speakers we not any good, none of us would be praising them.

    In a way, I equate it to how I was brought up playing tennis, and sports in leave it all on the field/court. No trash talk, if you think you can take me, I want to see it. If you beat can gloat all you want, doesn't bother me. If I kick your ass, I say nothing afterwards. Well, among friends, we may have a friendly discussion or two.

    I try to follow that example. I would much rather have someone come over to my place to listen to the speaker and make up their own minds. Listen, listen,, compare, compare.

    hmmm...does that make sense?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    EXACTLY, a COUPLE of times......
    Considering the amount of times I see folks throw lil jabs at ya(snide/veiled comments, underhanded bullshit), like your some kind of shill, I consider that nothing...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Birmingham, Alabama


    I don't understand how John (Alimental) gets to say whatever he wants, derail as many threads about products that are beneath him and that he'll never listen to or buy as he wants, and nothing is said by the mods. He's a retailer and probably has received a good bit of free business from the folks on AVS, so I don't get it. There are plenty of products that just don't do it for me, but I'd rather spend my time talking about the things that do. Why do some of us feel the need to "protect" other people from enjoying whatever they want, even if we think it's foolish or there's something better out there? Ok, rant over.
    - EVH III

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