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Thread: Tyler Acoustics LSM vs. Ascend 340SE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Brandon, MS

    Default Tyler Acoustics LSM vs. Ascend 340SE

    I took the plunge and bought some Tyler Linbrook Signature Monitors a few weeks ago (over the 340's) and would like to know from the local experts how much difference in sound quality there really is between the 340's and these. I was expecting a huge jump in sound quality, and while they sound very nice, it wasn't quite the leap I was expecting. (I was using MB Quart Threes). Using a Pioneer Elite VSX-56TXi + Adcom GFA-5400 to power it....

    Not to knock the Tyler's in any way, and they look/sound fantastic, but how does the Seas Tweeter in the 340 stack up to the Seas Millenium? Same question goes for the polygel woofers vs. the Seas magnesium drivers. Beginning to wonder if I would have been just as happy with the 340's and a pocket full of extra cash.

    Curious to know if Curtis or Dave has any thoughts on this.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I won't be of much help, I have never heard any Tylers.

    As for comparing the individual drivers, listening to each may help, but a lot goes into the implementation as well.

    Where are you located...maybe someone can offer a side by side with the Tylers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Augusta Maine


    My sister has Tylers and I have Ascends. Regardless of the money difference (I can afford to buy whatever I want. Nice feeling BTW) I prefer the more natural sounds of Ascends.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Brandon, MS


    Thanks for helping to water the seed of doubt, picasso.

    I know it's somewhat of an apples to oranges comparison, but that is interesting to note that you prefer the Ascends. I'm finding the Tyler sound to be clean and detailed, and easy to listen to for hours. I really need to give the Ascends a listen so I'll know if a change is in order.

    I'm in the Jackson, MS area, FWIW, so I'd be willing to tote the Tylers within 100 miles or so for a comparison....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Manlius (Syracuse)


    "Regardless of the money difference (I can afford to buy whatever I want) . . ."

    That's because your paintings are selling for ridiculous prices these days. Heck, for the price of one of your paintings, you could probably buy the entire Ascend company!

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