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Thread: CBM 170's are here to stay!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Central Ohio

    Default CBM 170's are here to stay!

    It is a brave new world. Buying loudspeakers sight unseen, sound unheard based on a web site and happy customers. When I bought my first pair of loudspeakers you would sit in the audio shop and listen to many speakers over many visits for many hours. Now I sit at my computer and order speakers to try in my own home for 30 days. I checked out three sites, what I call the triple A’s, Aperion, Ascend and Axiom. The Ascend site mentioned improvements in their speakers that appealed to me. I chose the Ascend CBM 170 SE and placed my order.

    One thing I was curious about was the quality of a loudspeaker that cost $348. Years ago I purchased NHT SuperOnes for $350 a pair. Recently I learned how much progress was made in cd players by buying a new cd player with the same purchase price as the 9-year-old model it would replace. Technology had moved on and the new player was far superior. Of course I was hoping that with technological improvements and money saved by buying direct I would be listening to a superior product. I am and this is what this review is about.

    Having listened to the same speakers for years my first thought was the Ascends was different. The first positive attribute I noticed was regarding imaging. My old speakers were like looking through a camera lens that was not fully in focus. The Ascends CBM 170’s brought the image into focus and there was more separation between individual instruments. I was now able to easily follow individual performers in the mix. The soundstage was wider and deeper with more of the ambiance of the venue on some recordings.

    During break in I thought the speakers might be bright. Two weeks later the bass has improved the highs are detailed and extended but not bright. I now find the speakers very neutral. They are very truthful. If a recording is excellent you will know it. If a recording is not of good quality you will know it but still be able to enjoy the music. This speaker is truthful but does not beat you up with the truth. I have listened to some speakers that will make some of your music unbearable but not the CBM 170 SE’s.

    Highs are extended and detailed. I am hearing wonderful detail in the upper frequencies that were masked by my old speakers. I hear new information about the different techniques in playing cymbals. Brushed cymbals sound so much more natural.

    Midrange especially vocals are very pleasing. I was listening to a Michelle Shocked recording and I noticed her being very playful with her voice. I was never able to notice this with the NHT SuperOnes’. Reproduction of guitars is superb. Both acoustic and electric have been given new life. The CBM 170’s have the speed and neutrality to differentiate between guitars and playing styles. All string and plucked instruments have more life.

    Bass is tight and detailed. Living in an apartment building it is enough bass to be enjoyable without trouble from the neighbors. I appreciate the bass is not boosted to give the impression of more bass. If I owned a home I might go for a subwoofer but I am not sure. The cello sounds very natural. Jaco Pastorius’ bass techniques are well represented.

    I am enjoying the CBM 170’s and they are staying. As a matter of fact they will probably be here through a few component upgrades. They are being used with a Marantz CD 5001 player and a Rega Planar 2 turntable with a Cambridge Audio Azur 640A integrated amp. Wired with AlphaCore cables and placed on Sanus stands. As good as the sound is now I think the speakers will easily reveal any upgrade of source or electronics. If you are looking for a speaker that is well-designed and containing good components for quality of sound do not overlook this speaker. I almost did due to the low price.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi JonMichael,

    Welcome to the family and thank your for the wonderful review! I am happy that you are enjoying the speakers
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

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