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Thread: Repost of 8-10 spkr shootout on 1/14

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Remember to use the sound meter to level match all speakers for your shootout.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    If you are going to use the sub with the speakers, you will need to calibrate the sub every time you change speakers.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    commerce georgia 30530


    The boston speaker mains will be the vrm model.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    commerce georgia 30530


    Correction that is the vrb model mains, sorry.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Well, how'd that shootout go?

    Football was on MY agenda yesterday!!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Houston, TX


    yeah this seems like a good test--anxious to read results. The 340SE is my standard for a bookshelf speaker--it will be interesting to see how the focal 806v compares side by side.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Morning gents and ladies!

    To make a very long story short since I don't yet have the write up (coming later this week), the CMT 340 SE's were the clear winner to my ears, although the Boston's and the Axiom's were certainly nice speakers and I would be pleased with any of them. Sidebar, the HSU didn't let down either! Funny to see/hear grown men (later 40's to later 50's - assuming) jumping from one spot to the other saying "You've gotta sit here to feel this!!"

    More to come later in the week but I know that I will be VERY pleased with my decision to purchase a five or six set sytem later this morning consisting of 340 SE mains, 340 SE center, & three HTM 200 surrounds (due to size v/s placement constraint). I can't wait to set these fresh one's up, break them in and settle in to some quality time with my NEW girlfriends blowing sweet audible sensatios across my cochlea and into my auditory cortex! That didn't sound too dirty, did it?

    More to come later but a BIG thanks to Leon55 for his help and his B-I-L for bringing his Boston's as well. I enjoyed having you over and hope you enjoyed the shootout! Thanks for coming to my place, that was very courteous and considerate as you were doing ME the favor. Thanks to Dan for brining his M22 v2's for the contest and offering his time and CD's as well. I really appreciate you guys.

    For the person that asked about the 340 v/s the 806V... you did the right thing! The 806V are a nicer looking speaker without question but as someone on here has stated... you should enjoy the sound, not the looks. The 806V are French made (I believe) and the sound is different but the presentation of the Boston v/s the 806V was similar but I think I decided on the Boston's over all considering the sound, presentation, extension etc. I didn't A/B the 340 & 806V but knowing the 806V v/s Boston and the 340 v/s Boston... the 340 still won! Would like to have the 340 sound in the 806V or NHT Classic Three box if that was possible for asthetic purposes! Another side note... the HSU mixed/matched better with the Axiom and Ascend and then the Boston's, then the JM Lab's. More later, please see the "Anyone in Atlanta have the 340 SE's?" thread before this one for future information so I don't have to duplicate.

    Oh, thanks to Dave for his expertise, courtesy and professionalism during my decision making process. You are part of this sale and I am pleased that I will be getting you and your great crew with the purchase into the future!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Audible,

    I am really pleased to hear that the shootout went well. Of course I am glad that you liked the performance of the Ascends but what pleases me most is the effort you put into auditioning and the research involved.

    Oh, thanks to Dave for his expertise, courtesy and professionalism during my decision making process. You are part of this sale and I am pleased that I will be getting you and your great crew with the purchase into the future!
    You are most welcome and I bet you are glad that the decision making process is over. Soon you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor... We certainly shared a few emails

    Glad that James and I were able to be there for you.

    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default I know, but...

    Dave, part of me wants to take them to the dealers and pit them against their 'higher' lines just to know and also just to shut them up! I couldn't get the Engery RC-10's to the house or the NHT Classic Three's and know I have also tested the Paradigm Studio 20 v.3's against the Axiom M60's a while back and they did quite well. The desire to know is killing me. I will step out and say that from audible memory (which admittedly isn't as good over time) I have not heard a better, more pure, flatter and as revealing a speaker at this or double the price point.

    I will see if I can do some in-house testing of my new 340SE's against the other guys at their store just to see them pissed off after gloating about their $2K+ setups. I will admit that I will tell them they are worth $1000+ so they don't get the holier than thou attitude though. This way if I beat them, I can drop the real price on them and one of these and just walk away! - I dislike when people tell me I am "hearing things" when I test that they don't hear b/c my hearing is off the charts both high and low, especially when they are trying hard to sell me one speaker brand over the one I like best. If the sound is there, I will hear it and I don't walk out w/o my fair share of testing and certainly don't buy from a person whom is trying to pull one over on me. Caught one of them boys fudging the sound system to make A sound better than B. Called "BS" and was out of there after a quick chat with the mgr about their 'professionalism' and consumer deception. Come to find out later the speakers in question were being discontinued and they were trying to get rid of them to anyone that they could at full price before they went on clearance... I digress.

    Dave, I love em' and am going to have fun when I get them! You are a good man and I appreciate your guidance and support during my, and I am sure others' decisions!
    Last edited by audibleconnoisseur; 01-18-2007 at 07:57 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I have not heard the Energy, but I have heard the NHT Classic Three in my own room. It is very different from the CMT-340SE.

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