Hi James,

Please, call me Dave or David. Mr Fabrikant is too impersonal.

>I recently read in one of your threads that you and your wife were enjoying the new 340c in your home theater. I don't find that hard to believe but it did make me wonder... What else are you listening to?

Speaker wise? Believe it or not.. nothing but Ascends. Sure, I have loads of different loudspeakers but Barney, The Wiggles, and Bear and the Big Blue House videos all sound the same to me regardless of what loudspeakers I have connected. With a 2-year old running all over the place, I seldom get to enjoy more than a 15 minute listening session. If he does manage to fall asleep early, I am usually far too tired to swap out whatever loudspeakers are hooked up in order to listen to something else.

It is a rare occasion when I can watch an entire movie, disturbance free and at a volume level that does the sound system justice. When we watched SWAT, the dialogue reproduction and dynamics of the 340 center really stuck with me and I found it refreshing that I can still be impressed or "wowed" by a loudspeaker after almost 20 years in this industry.

>Can you recomend any good audio books. I'd like to further my understanding of reproducing sound.

Certainly; one of the very best is Vance Dickason's "Loudspeaker Design Cookbook". This book will keep you busy for years...

Good Sound To You!

David Fabrikant