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Thread: Reason to pick Ascend?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tacoma, WA

    Default Reason to pick Ascend?

    I am looking for new speakers and have been out listening to just about everything. (B&W, PSB, Revel, BA, Monitor Audio, Vandersteen)
    I am NOT trying to start up anything bad with this post. (So please no flames).

    Here’s where it all starts, when I went and listened to the Revel Concerta speakers. All the professional reviews used adjectives such as: neutral, natural, non-fatigue can listen for hours, unhyped sound, even sounding with no one part standing out.
    I found them bland and lacking in conveying any emotion. Music should move you. The artist who recorded it had a feeling in mind. The other speakers I listened to had reviews that never really used the term “neutral” but they all had a different way to convey emotion, some better than others.

    Now here is where my issue is; many of the descriptions on the Revels sound very similar to what I see written about the Ascends. I know, I should just order them and do the 30 day listen and see for myself… But first I need to know:

    1. What adjectives would you use to describe the Ascend (SE) sound?

    2. Do any of you consider the Ascends neutral, natural sound as lacking in ability to convey the emotion in the music?

    3. What would it take for you to trade out your Ascends for something else? (Budget, WAF, have not found anything better, etc…)

    I really am interested in upgrading my speakers (They are bright!), but I really need more info before I commit. Thank you guys for any info!
    My current illness includes the following symptoms:

    TV: Sony 50” SXRD
    Receiver: Marantz SR7500
    DVD: Marantz DV7600
    CD Changer: Marantz CC4300
    Power: APC H15
    Speakers: (JBL) Soon to change to Ascend
    Sub: HSU VTF-3 MK2

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by DMD123
    1. What adjectives would you use to describe the Ascend (SE) sound?
    Revealing and value come immediately to mind.

    Quote Originally Posted by DMD123
    2. Do any of you consider the Ascends neutral, natural sound as lacking in ability to convey the emotion in the music?
    I'm married to a lead singer. She is always commenting on "the emotion" of a piece of music. I've heard her describe singers in so many different ways but she's she's never said the speakers weren't conveying the emotion. We listen on the 340 Classics, SE's and 200's.

    Quote Originally Posted by DMD123
    3. What would it take for you to trade out your Ascends for something else? (Budget, WAF, have not found anything better, etc…)
    WAF is key because if it doesn't fit her decor, it ain't gonna happen. But by far, the main thing for me would be budget. It would take a lot more coin to get me into any other speaker. Even then, I'd have to think long and hard as in, "is it worth it?"

    Quote Originally Posted by DMD123
    I really am interested in upgrading my speakers (They are bright!), but I really need more info before I commit. Thank you guys for any info!
    I encourage you to pick the one speaker from a B&M and bring that speaker home and compare it head to head with the Ascends. The room you're going to be listening in is going to have an effect (sometimes a lot of effect) and without auditioning speakers in that room with your equipment, it will be difficult to know what works best with any degree of confidence.
    Keep us informed of how the process is working. And have fun doing it.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Well...David put down some of the words first, so I will repeat them.

    1. Performance and value are the two words that come to me first.

    2. I do consider Ascends neutral and natural. I can easily put on some relaxing music, sit on the couch, and melt away. Just as easily, I can put on some high energy music and get the opposite effect.

    3. WAF is not a factor with me.....but the speakers definitely have to fit within my parameters. I am the type that likes things more understated than to stand out. Value is what it is all about for me, and Ascend has spoiled me on that front.

    I have always loved music, and for me, the Ascends fuel it.

    As David said, do some auditioning and in home is best. Don't rush, and most of all, have fun with the process.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I'll echo most of what these guys said, with a couple of notes.

    I have found that many times when someone feels something is missing in listening to a speaker, it's relative to their existing speakers (or their 'benchmark' speaker that they can't afford). It's important to figure out what qualities you enjoy. For example, I have seen many people only 'enjoy' a speaker with really strong bass (in lots of cases, more so than is natural) or that enjoy speakers that have highs a bit more rolled off. Despite audiophile egos, it's perfectly fine to have these types of preferences -that's why they are called 'personal preferences'.

    This isn't to say that the speakers you listened to might not have been 'off' themselves, just that everything is subjective. This is also why any review should be taken with a grain of salt - it's generally only useful to compare reviews from the same person and even then, people's opinions change over time.

    As mentioned, a personal audition is the best route. Barring that, listing speakers that you DO enjoy (along with some you don't enjoy) can help folks here gauge if you might like Ascends.

    on your questions:

    1. I tend to use the word 'clear' to describe Ascends, as well as detailed. I've given up on the work 'neutral' as it has been so overused and abused as to be nearly meaningless in audio anymore.

    2. I don't consider them lacking in emotion, but I will say that I think some people who prefer a very "warm" speaker (which I think of as having an emphasis on the mid-range) might not choose them.

    3. I listen to a lot of two channel music and if I found something affordable with a similar sound, but more full range, I might swap out my Ascends. While WAF isn't a big issue, I personally like for them to look nice, hence the finsih work I did. If I was in spend more on a pair of speakers (say $1k+), then I would expect it to also be visually appealing.

    I've heard lots of 'better' speakers, but those have been a big step up in price ($1,500-$50,000) and my priorities don't lead me to have a mega-bucks setup, even though I greatly enjoy music and movies. For example, if I wanted a fancy system, I might pick up a pair of Salk Sound HT3's, Pioneer EX series (baby TAD's), Zu Definition, etc.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tacoma, WA


    Thank you guys for the info so far. It’s greatly appreciated!

    I like a detailed speaker, thus the JBL choice for now. I’m using the studio series which are a little more upscale for JBL. My speakers have a slightly forward midrange with just a little too sharp of a tweeter but they do have a nice airy sound with a decent image. I run a warm sounding receiver set with a negative 2 on the treble. It sounds great for movies but just ok for music.

    I am looking for the detail of metal tweeter without the fatigue that it brings. I like a somewhat forward presentation with a deep/wide soundstage. And of course the airy sound that does not give you a ‘sound is coming from the box feel’.

    I know I just described what most people want.
    My current illness includes the following symptoms:

    TV: Sony 50” SXRD
    Receiver: Marantz SR7500
    DVD: Marantz DV7600
    CD Changer: Marantz CC4300
    Power: APC H15
    Speakers: (JBL) Soon to change to Ascend
    Sub: HSU VTF-3 MK2

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    Quote Originally Posted by DMD123
    I know I just described what most people want.
    Yep. That's why in home for a few weeks is the only way to travel for some of us. I have music in three different rooms on three different floors and I've lugged every speaker I own (5 pr.) to each location at some point just to see what works where.
    My next door neighbor has Paradigm Studio 40's which I like and might have bought if I hadn't had the opportunity to audition the 340's. Take advantage of Ascend's return policy. The shipping charge is a very reasonable price to pay for a one month rental on such a good speaker. Not every speaker is worth auditioning just based on shipping charges but the 340's are well worth the price.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    DMD123 - The problem is that you just described what you want in subjective terms. My point was that words like bright/warm/airy/detailed have different meanings for everyone and they don't really help me to know what you really like.

    You've given us two good examples: You like your JBL Studio, but they are too bright/fatiguing. You didn't like the Revel Concerta because they seemed bland (it's hard to judge what bland means). What other speakers did you like/dislike and why?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tacoma, WA


    Well here we go…

    Monitor Audio RS6
    Liked: nice and clear highs (probably would get tiring)
    Dislike: Midrange too laid back and recessed, some vocals sounded distant when they should be closer, lack of bass

    Monitor Audio RS8
    Liked: improved bass response from the RS6, clear highs (probably would get tiring).
    Dislike: Midrange too laid back and recessed, some vocals sounded distant when they should be closer

    PSB Image T65
    Liked: High’s did not seem to pronounced or bright
    Dislike: bass heavy-made Mids sound muddy not clear all

    PSB Image T45
    Liked: Huge soundstage, good center image, very clear sounding, Highs not too bright
    Dislike: slightly laid back mid (not as bad as MA’s), seemed like speaker was slightly low-needed a couple inches in height to be at ear level

    Revel Concerta F12
    Liked: bass very nice, decent size soundstage
    Dislike: mids too smooth-because it had no highs so to speak seemed like treble controls set to negative, rear port on this large speaker was too much when placed close to wall - my application would not give this one enough breathing room.

    Vandersteen 1c
    Like: soundstage seems to extend on way beyond the speakers, very smooth yet detailed high end
    Dislike: a little midrange missing, huge soundstage could make some things sound a bit unrealistic, the 1980’s design

    If I were to choose what sound I’ve liked so far it would be the PSB Image T45’s and Vandersteen 1c.

    It is very difficult to put into words exactly what each speaker was like in universal terms. But I tried my best to describe what I liked/disliked.
    My current illness includes the following symptoms:

    TV: Sony 50” SXRD
    Receiver: Marantz SR7500
    DVD: Marantz DV7600
    CD Changer: Marantz CC4300
    Power: APC H15
    Speakers: (JBL) Soon to change to Ascend
    Sub: HSU VTF-3 MK2

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Quote Originally Posted by DMD123
    It is very difficult to put into words exactly what each speaker was like in universal terms. But I tried my best to describe what I liked/disliked. did a pretty good job!

    If I am not mistaken, all the speakers you listened to are floorstanders, correct?

    Judging by what you said of the other speakers, a lot is in-line with what I have read before, I think you should definitely try a pair CMT-340SE's. Your Hsu sub will work great to make up the fact that they are smaller and don't have the bass extension of the floorstanders.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Tacoma, WA


    All of the speakers are floor standers. I don’t really need floor standers, but knowing how much some speaker stands cost I look at floor standing as a better budget choice in some cases.

    Doing some more reading on the Ascends, some I see some called them bright (meaning detailed). I’m sure I would like that detail in the highs. Since it’s a soft dome tweeter instead of the titanium domes in my JBL’s it will probably not sound fatiguing.

    I guess I will just have to order the CMT-340SE’s and try them out for myself.

    Thank you guys for all the info!
    My current illness includes the following symptoms:

    TV: Sony 50” SXRD
    Receiver: Marantz SR7500
    DVD: Marantz DV7600
    CD Changer: Marantz CC4300
    Power: APC H15
    Speakers: (JBL) Soon to change to Ascend
    Sub: HSU VTF-3 MK2

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