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Thread: 31 mile trail ultra & Ascends!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA

    Default 31 mile trail ultra & Ascends!

    What do these have in common you ask? Well, last Saturday I ran a 31 mile trail race in hilly Punxsutawney PA (and got my photo with movie star / celebrity groundhog Phil)... but on Sunday I was so sore I could barely navigate so I just fired up the home theater and watched movies & listened to hi-rez mc music Sunday and Monday night after work!

    Here I am with Phil, my wife, and John Griffiths (part of Phil's entourage).
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    That is great Tom....congratulations!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Syracuse, New York


    If I had run a 31 mile hilly trail race, I'd be immobile till....December? Definitely, congratulations. It's great having a wife that tolerates this type of insanity, yes?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA


    Thanks guys! My 340's were better than getting a massage afterwards!

    I kept telling my wife how much fun these races are and how nice ultra runners are... she came along to this one and had a GREAT time, I think she was pleasantly surprised! She got to know some of the other wives and had a lot of fun. But yes, she probably figures running and home theater are two vices that are 'better' than most!
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Congrats Tom! Take out that race, and our weekends were really similar, lol. Is it me, or does Phil look really PO'd.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA


    You're right, he DOES look a bit grouchy in that photo! Maybe all of the camera flashes were bugging him, but you'd think he would be used to that on the Hollywood red carpet, movie premieres, etc.
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
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    Tom - that's awesome. Congratulations, nice to see runners around here. I was going to run Chicago (i know...just 26.2) next month, but as my running buddy got injured, I'm going to wait so we can do our first full together (he's one of my best friends). And yeah, my CBM-170s will keep me company until then
    Last edited by Jonnyozero3; 09-21-2006 at 02:59 PM.
    Jon O.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA


    Thanks Jon - and awesome on being ready for the marathon - I'm sure your buddy appreciates you waiting to run one with him. That Chicago one is huge - 40,000 runners. Which upcoming one are you targeting now, or are plans on hold until he heals?

    I ran another 50K trail ultra yesterday in Youngstown OH, but it didn't go very well... developed severe stomach / gas cramps about 3 hours into it that made it VERY painful to run (might have been the Ensure I had at the 2:15 mark at an aid station). So instead of my 7 hour target, it took me 7.5 hours. Despite the pain, it was a great time - the course was just spectacular looking with waterfalls and neat wooden walkways built under huge rock overhangs. I might drive the 90 minutes back there for some fall foliage training runs it was so incredible looking.
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
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    Well, "ready"...heh. A few months out we were already figuring out that he wasn't going to be able to do it, so I started to get a little unmotivated. My longest run was only 15mi. I could have pulled it off if I knew I was going to Chicago, but I slowed down since there wasn't a hurry anymore. We don't have a target race now, so I'll just sit tight until he gets his leg issues ironed out.

    I have to say, I am getting addicted to this running thing - I don't sleep well if I have a light week and don't run. My favorite run was when I went for a 8 miler on a new route, but felt great at my turnaround and kept going - had gone 13.36 when I got back to my 10pm in the pitch black night. Best run I've ever had. Especially since it was the first time I had ever broken 13.1.

    Another 50k? Can I borrow your knees? heh. Mine have a long way to go before they can do that...repetitively. Sorry to hear about the Ensure problems...yeck. And about the foliage - I'm definitely looking forward to some of those fall runs, as you say.

    Okay I'm blabbering. Bed time!
    Jon O.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA

    Default Trail vs road running...

    Thats a nice thing about trail running I like over road running... easier on the knees / joints. Although most of the trail races have at least SOME road racing to them, it is usually a relatively small % of the total. Being mindful of each footfall also really keeps you on your toes so it isn't as boring as road running can be.

    But it also has its cons... you can twist an ankle easier, and as fatigue sets in on these ultras, some people stumble and fall which results in some cuts and scrapes. And believe me, some of these trails are along some precarious edges and it would be quite dangerous to fall near them. Some are actually along mountain streams with their slippery rocks and footing. If you look at my 'pics' under you'll see I have bike gloves with the padded leather palms on just in case I should fall, and I wear knee high soccer socks to protect the shins from briars, branches, and falls. Luckily I haven't taken too bad of a tumble so far, just once when I slipped going down a very steep hill. But the element of risk / danger is an extra thrill to trail running!

    Ok, I'm done blabbering this time!
    Last edited by tjennings; 09-25-2006 at 08:43 PM.
    -- Tom --
    My HT

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