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Thread: crossover for 340SE L/R

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Default crossover for 340SE L/R

    What crossover would you guys recommend for a pair of 340SE's and a VTF-2? My H/K receiver has 20hz increments selectable for each speaker group.

    I was thinking either 60hz or 40hz. 60hz would guarantee that the 340SE's dont go below the +/3 3db point, but 40hz would extend the 340SE's to their limits, but possibly opening a small sound "hole" in the 45-40hz range.

    Sierra-1 - Mains+Center
    Surrounds - HTM200SEs (x4 in back, and x2 Atmos)
    Sub - SVS PB-2000
    Receiver - Onkyo TX-RZ1100
    Oppo Darbee Edition Blue Ray
    Sony 4K blu ray player

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by azanon
    What crossover would you guys recommend for a pair of 340SE's and a VTF-2? My H/K receiver has 20hz increments selectable for each speaker group.

    I was thinking either 60hz or 40hz. 60hz would guarantee that the 340SE's dont go below the +/3 3db point, but 40hz would extend the 340SE's to their limits, but possibly opening a small sound "hole" in the 45-40hz range.

    80hz is the more generally accepted xover point...try them all see which one sounds better to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Oaktown, CA


    I have done quite a bit of experimenting with the 340's and x-over settings. Remember, room acoustics will play some part in your settings (YMMV, and all), but with the 340 Classics I had my system (with the SVS PB110-ISD) set to 80hz. 60 did not work. When listening to 2-ch stereo, I would occasionally play the speakers with full range... no sub.

    When I got the 340SE's (LCR) and put the 340 Classics in the rear, I thought that I would be able to drop to 60hz for everything (HT and music). No go.

    I'm staying at 80. It gives music and soundtracks more sonority and impact. While I haven't run the full set of tests yet (I've only had them a month... and things have been kinda crazy), I plan to check things out in more detail very soon. But for now... it's 80hz.


    Yes Eve, I like to watch.

    My setup:
    HT: 340SE's Front & Center - 340 Classic's Surround, SVS PB110-ISD.
    Office (2-ch): 170SE's

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

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    So is it a case where technically the 340 can do 45-80hz, but when pitted against a bass specialist (ie: a HSU sub), the 340 is no match for it?

    My only concern with the 80hz (or higher) setting is that I dont want any bass that has directionality associated with it, coming out of my sub. I watch a lot of movies, and if an explosion is off to my front left, that's where i'd prefer to hear it. 80hz bass might have some directionality associated with it? (or no).

    My preference with bass though is that i DO NOT like a boomy sound. I certainly like to hear as much of the sound range as possible, and dont even mind a chest thud from a bass shot (like those cannon balls in master and command), but i dont want my system "booming", even if I were to put a hip-hop CD in. I just like the bass to be there; but not dominant. This being said, the volume dial on my VTF-2 is relatively close to minimum, and is also set to maximum extension (just one port open).
    Last edited by azanon; 07-13-2006 at 09:04 AM.
    Sierra-1 - Mains+Center
    Surrounds - HTM200SEs (x4 in back, and x2 Atmos)
    Sub - SVS PB-2000
    Receiver - Onkyo TX-RZ1100
    Oppo Darbee Edition Blue Ray
    Sony 4K blu ray player

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
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    I could be wrong, but one thing to keep in mind is that the LFE track (different from the bass managed signal from the mains) goes up to 120hz, so you may get something localizable regardless (setup permitting, of course).

    For example, I have my mains and center crossed at 80hz, so my HO gets everything 80 and under, but it also gets the up to 120Hz LFE (.1) track. Sometimes I can almost hear a male voice back by the sub, but that's only when I put my head near it and pay attention to it.
    Jon O.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Oaktown, CA


    azanon... often room acoustics (sub placement, etc) can have more to do with the sound than the xover.

    Boom is often caused by placement.... possibly exacerbated by room acoustics and then, maybe xover and other settings. Once my sub was set up well, I had no issues with boom regardless of xover settings.

    I understand localization of sound and be aware that even at a 60hz xover, there is roll-off. It’s not a wall or a harsh cut-off. You’ll get frequencies well over 80 or 100hz even with a 60hz xover. Minimized, to be sure, but those listening for localization will find it. At 80hz I have had few issues with localization.


    Yes Eve, I like to watch.

    My setup:
    HT: 340SE's Front & Center - 340 Classic's Surround, SVS PB110-ISD.
    Office (2-ch): 170SE's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I ran my 340SE's fullrange a couple of weeks ago for a week...sounded great. WIth the sub and two-channel music, 60hz sounds best.

    That said, if I had that multi-crossover capability, in my room, I would probably end up using 60hz for the L/C/R, and 80hz for my 170SE surrounds. I'd probably experiment with 60hz globally too.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Default misc

    I'll experiment, but i definitely want to try the 60hz first (on the 340se's). I can tell from the speaker charts the 340se isnt breaking a sweat at 60hz, and since there could be some directionality associated with bass within 60-80z, that's a reason to keep it going to the L/R.

    I'm glad one of you mentioned LFE can go as high as 120hz. I just got my avr240 in yesterday, and i think i set the sub to 100hz crossover (because i think that is the highest frequency its spec'ed for), but maybe it wouldnt hurt to set it to 120hz to capture everything.
    Sierra-1 - Mains+Center
    Surrounds - HTM200SEs (x4 in back, and x2 Atmos)
    Sub - SVS PB-2000
    Receiver - Onkyo TX-RZ1100
    Oppo Darbee Edition Blue Ray
    Sony 4K blu ray player

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by azanon
    I'll experiment, but i definitely want to try the 60hz first (on the 340se's). I can tell from the speaker charts the 340se isnt breaking a sweat at 60hz, and since there could be some directionality associated with bass within 60-80z, that's a reason to keep it going to the L/R.

    I'm glad one of you mentioned LFE can go as high as 120hz. I just got my avr240 in yesterday, and i think i set the sub to 100hz crossover (because i think that is the highest frequency its spec'ed for), but maybe it wouldnt hurt to set it to 120hz to capture everything.
    at around 100hz or so you can start to hear localization of the sub. I would not recommend going over 100hz on the AVR XO...of course your ears may vary. The only real way to determine the best XO point is to use TrueRTA and take some measurements...this will show you the interaction of the mains and sub and what settings work best. You can't just rely on FR charts to determine the XO...lots of room interaction going on as well.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005


    I am not familiar with your particular receiver, but I believe that in most receivers, all LFE signals go to the sub, regardless of the crossover setting.
    The crossover generally affects what bass signals go to the sub, and what frequencies go to those speakers set to Small.

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