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Thread: EXBAC for use with projector...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default EXBAC for use with projector...

    I read that EXBAC is designed to deal with the problems associated with placing the speaker on top of the TV. I have a projector and my speaker will sit 1 ft off the front wall, is the EXBAC still a good thing...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Ivory05G35,

    Quote Originally Posted by Ivory05G35
    I read that EXBAC is designed to deal with the problems associated with placing the speaker on top of the TV. I have a projector and my speaker will sit 1 ft off the front wall, is the EXBAC still a good thing...
    Yes... if you plan on using the center speaker in a horizontal position I do recommend our center version with EXBAC.
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    This has been a question of mine for a while as well - I'm glad to see Dave himself respond

    Just wondering though - Dave F. - is there ever a situation where a horizontal CMT-340 without the EXBAC crossover be the better way to go?

    In my case, I have a projection screen, but similar to Ivory, the center will only have about 1 foot, maybe 1.5' behind it to the wall. Mine will also be sitting on top of a low equipment stand, which - even though it is just shelves - may still act as somewhat of an extended baffle.

    From what I've read, the EXBAC would still be the better choice for me as well. But I'm wondering if there is ever a situation where Dave F. would recommend using a horizontal 340 without the EXBAC crossover.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan_teller
    This has been a question of mine for a while as well - I'm glad to see Dave himself respond

    Just wondering though - Dave F. - is there ever a situation where a horizontal CMT-340 without the EXBAC crossover be the better way to go?

    In my case, I have a projection screen, but similar to Ivory, the center will only have about 1 foot, maybe 1.5' behind it to the wall. Mine will also be sitting on top of a low equipment stand, which - even though it is just shelves - may still act as somewhat of an extended baffle.

    From what I've read, the EXBAC would still be the better choice for me as well. But I'm wondering if there is ever a situation where Dave F. would recommend using a horizontal 340 without the EXBAC crossover.

    Dave actually did reccomend a regular 340SE in the horizontal position for me. It will be about 2' from screen on a stand about 22" off the floor.

    "Yes... if you plan on using the center speaker in a horizontal position I do recommend our center version with EXBAC."

    Dave are you now saying that I should be using the 340 center model if placed horizontal??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Indeed, I have seen the other post where a 340SE WITHOUT the EXBAC was recommended, but then here, the EXBAC IS recommended.

    I'm just wondering if it is a matter of the distance behind the speaker, or if it's simply about vertical vs. horizontal orientation or what?

    Like I said, in my situation where I'll have a low equipment stand on which the 340SE center will be sitting, I figure the EXBAC would be a good idea since the equip. stand may act as a baffle just like a TV screen. But then again, it's just open shelves (although there will be a receiver below the center speaker, so it's not totally open).

    So that's why I asked - Dave F. - if you could clear up when we would NOT want to use the EXBAC crossover, that would really be helpful. I'll assume it's best to use the EXBAC unless Dave says otherwise.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Guys,

    Regarding 340 SE when used as a center...

    In all situations where the center will be used in a horizontal configuration and the speaker will be located close to a large object (rear-wall, television, entertainment center, close to floor, side-wall, shelves) I recommend going with the 340 SEC (with EXBAC).

    If the center speaker will be used horizontally and is free from nearby objects / baffles etc (2 ft or greater distance), horizontal 340 SE main (without EXBAC) might provide a more seamless blend.

    Every room and setup is different and in almost all cases, center version is preferred.

    in dbart's situation, horizontal center 22" off the floor and 2 ft from a large baffle (TV screen), w/o EXBAC might be preferred as nearby reflections will be in the 500Hz range, at the cusp of male vocals and bass reinforcement (which can muddy vocals) shouldn't be too much of a concern either.

    It is a tough call for me to predict room interaction so use this as a rule of thumb. Either way, the difference between the two would be subtle.

    Hope this helps!
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    ^^^Awesome reply Dave F. Thank You! That pretty much confirmed what I was thinking, but it's sure nice to hear it directly from you! I don't know all that much about the technical side of audio, but I'm thinking that resonances with the room and other nearby objects is the reason why I've never been able to get a horizontal center speaker that perfectly matches the L/R speakers in timbre so far. There's always a slight timbre shift, and it's in the midrange, right where the EXBAC is supposed to work its magic

    So I'm hopeful that when I'm ready to order my Ascend speakers, these will finally be the speakers that give me an acceptable timbre match across the front three speakers!

    Thanks again Dave F.! Your input and explanations are always so helpful


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