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Thread: Official Signature Edition owners thread

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    If a guy orders a pair of the 170se, what is the current turn around time for shipping?

  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Kinda feel strange to be the only one commenting on the SE vs. Classic, but anyway....

    I did some more critical listening tonight, and I do have a slight concern. While the 340c SE is more 'clear' sounding than the Classic, I'm a bit worried now that it's slightly more fatiguing. Not positive on that, though. I need to compare more.

    Given the fact that the SE seems to just have a greater range, it seems natural that the SE is going to be producing more high end sound than the Classic. Thus, it doesn't mean it's "harsher" sounding than the Classic. It just is what it is... producing a greater range.

    My problem then becomes, although the SE seems slighly more clear and accurate, do I actually *like* the more 'muted', or subdued, sound of the Classic better for the dialogue-heavy center ? I'm not sure one way or the other. My gf says she still prefers the SE, but I'm going to do some more A/B'ing I believe and try to really decide one way or the other.

    It's possible that I may want 340 SE mains, and yet keep a Classic for the center...? I wonder how "adviseable" this is in terms of matching, or whether this shouldn't be considered a problem. Sounded ok to me when I tried it tonight.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    You can't hear that greater range, but you can perceive it.

    In the audible range though, the 340SE is actually flatter than the classic 340.

    In my listening, although I never had trouble with the classic, the SE is definitely smoother and easier to listen to.

  4. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by MrTomasulo
    Kinda feel strange to be the only one commenting on the SE vs. Classic, but anyway....

    I did some more critical listening tonight, and I do have a slight concern. While the 340c SE is more 'clear' sounding than the Classic, I'm a bit worried now that it's slightly more fatiguing. Not positive on that, though. I need to compare more.

    I'm floored...I thought the SEs are supposed to be "warmer" than the Classics? Please compare more and follow up on your comments.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Oaktown, CA


    Quote Originally Posted by MrTomasulo
    It's possible that I may want 340 SE mains, and yet keep a Classic for the center...? I wonder how "adviseable" this is in terms of matching, or whether this shouldn't be considered a problem. Sounded ok to me when I tried it tonight.
    Which brings up the question:
    Tonal matching between SE's and Classics... how close?

    Still waiting to hear from *fastnee* about the differences / similarities and how well they integrate with each other. I too am interested in moving my 340 Classics to the rear surround chanels and getting the 340SE's across the front.

    Let us know, please... or if anyone else (Dave F?) knows how well these two would match tonally, please let us know.


    Yes Eve, I like to watch.

    My setup:
    HT: 340SE's Front & Center - 340 Classic's Surround, SVS PB110-ISD.
    Office (2-ch): 170SE's

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie
    I'm floored...I thought the SEs are supposed to be "warmer" than the Classics? Please compare more and follow up on your comments.
    I wouldn't describe the SE's as "warmer".. They do have deeper bass and wider dynamic range in general, but deeper bass does not translate to more "warmth". Typically, warmth in a loudspeaker is a boost (or bump) in the frequency response usually in the range between 80-120Hz. I don't think the SE's sound warmer than the classics.

    I think what MrTomasulo described is pretty accurate. He is hearing greater range with the new SEAS tweeter, not just greater range but better separation and improved clarity. Depending on the source material (as always) and especially various DVD movie mixes and/or TV broadcast (there are just too many variables), if the source has problems.... you will hear it.

    The good news is that over the years I have noticed a steady improvement in DVD mixes, more and more are done well and not recorded too hot. Can't say the same for broadcast, cable and satellite yet...but I am sure improvements are coming.

    The SE speakers have such low distortion numbers that digital errors and source distortions might be more obvious to the critical listener. On the other hand, listen to something clean and WOW...
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  7. #57
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by shane55
    Let us know, please... or if anyone else (Dave F?) knows how well these two would match tonally, please let us know.
    Hi Shane,

    Crossed over at 80Hz, they are very close and I would say room placement would have more of an affect on the differences. It really depends on how critical a listener you are..

    I am quite critical and in my home system I am currently using a 340 SEC with 340 classic mains (none left for me I am afraid ). I still get a seamless blend.... the dialogue in "Serenity" was fantastic.
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I have a 340 classic center and my new SE fronts are being delivered today, so I should be able to comment on the matching between the two series sometime in the next few days.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by davef
    The SE speakers have such low distortion numbers that digital errors and source distortions might be more obvious to the critical listener. On the other hand, listen to something clean and WOW...
    This is a good point. This last listening session I had was done simply watching PBS's 'Frontline', simply because I thought it was dialogue-heavy. Next-time I should try more high-quality sources/mixes.

    I think you said well what I was trying to say. I think it's the lack of distortion/clarity which may bring out more 'digital errors', that the Classics might have left a tad more muted.

    Along the same lines, the previous night we were using the SEs across the front to watch the movie "Collateral". In the 'Fever' night club scene with the heavy gun-play towards the end, my girlfriend was walking across the room attending to something else and was halted dead in her tracks because the sudden gunfire was so real and life-like sounding it startled her.

    She hasn't waivered in preferring the SEs.
    Last edited by MrTomasulo; 02-01-2006 at 06:01 AM.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    OK i was calibrating w/ Avia, and during the subwoofer setup, they had the tones that decreased progressively in frequency. When the freq started to get really low the Ascends and my sub started almost sputtering, obviously b/c it's beyond their range. But will this cause harm to the speakers/subs?

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