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Thread: Official Signature Edition owners thread

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I am torn over what to do. I will get 340SE's across the front eventually. I do not know whether to get my classics upgraded or to just get a new set and send my classics to my brother and his family.

    For my four 170 surrounds, at this point, I think I will keep them as is. I am not listening to as much multichannel music as I would like, and that is what is driving that decision.....but I often think upgrading two of them would be nice.

    I also want a VTF-3HO/Turbo.....

    What to do??

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    Down the road I suppose I will opt for some SE's. I doubt I will go the upgrade route. My eldest will be heading to college in another year so I'm thinking my Classics may be a donation to her dorm room. Man, I think back to when I attended Iowa State and only if I had Ascends in my dorm room then. They woulda easily blown away anything on the floor.


  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA


    I'm going to trade in my 340c for a 340SEc next month as a start to see how it sounds, then in March or so I'm either going to trade in my L/R 340m's for the SE's, or just buy the L/R 340SE's and move my 'classics' to the rear corner surrounds (and upgrade them to SE's later in the year).

    Wow, 340m's for a college dorm, sweet!
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  4. #44
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Some more positive SE impressions (I got back early):

    I did some more A/B'ing, this time with the company of my girlfriend, a good neutral observer with a nice honest ear for this sort of evaluation. She was skeptical when I first got my Classics, but was quickly won over after listening to them the first time.

    Anyway, last time I A/B'ed Beck's "Sea Change", probably my favorite disc for showing off the Classics.

    This time I tried something that did not sound so good on the Classics.... Nirvana's "Nevermind". I'm almost 31 years old, but this was a throwback to my "younger" days Anyway, when I had played this previously on the Classics, I had decided, "Well, Ascends just aren't made to play Nirvana, oh well." I thought either that or that it was my cd player, as I just use my Panasonic s77 dvd player to play audio. I thought I needed a dedicated cd player with a more "forward" presentation. I was gravitating away from that sort of music in my "older years" anyway, so I had no problem getting over it.

    Well, the same does not hold true for the SEs. The disc sounded GREAT on them. The one comment my girlfriend consistently made while comparing the two, and this still held when we also compared Beck again, was that the Classics sounded somewhat "muffled" when measured up against the SEs. I agree with her. I don't have the technical jargon at my disposal to describe the SEs better, but the highs are clearer and more crisp.

    To further elaborate, I have two cars with different speaker setups, one with silk tweeters and one with metal-dome tweeters. "Nevermind" always sounded great with the metal tweeters but was just blah in my car with the silk tweeters. Well the fact that the SEs can play it great, while still retaining the sound smooth and rich sound I'm used to of the Classics, says a lot to me.

    Anyway, at least one definitive conclusion I've drawn then, if you have Classics and are on the fence about going to SEs, and you also have a taste for harder rock music that you're not entirely satisfied with on the Classics, then the SEs are a virutal must. They seem more versatile than the Classics and can handle the different sound dynamics that hard rock throws at them.

    I need to compare still with more genres, and still have to compare the SE 340 center with the Classic now.
    Last edited by MrTomasulo; 01-28-2006 at 08:12 AM.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Huntington, Indiana


    Thanks for taking the time for the report MrTomasulo.

    I am still going through the pain of deciding between upgrading to the 340 SE's from my Classics or getting a second SVS 25-31 PC+. The sub would I think throw me into the category or having "Ridicubass." That is appealing to me.

    Your report of the SE's being more capable of playing Heavy Metal also sounds great to me because that was the one area I found lacking in my Classic 340's. I think the wife would like the new speakers because basically nothing would change for her. She might not like the second tube sub in the living room though. I am not going to let WAF be the deciding factor though. This stuff is for me anyway. She just gets to enjoy it also even though she doesn't like to admit to it.
    There's no place like

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    question: The 340's got that soft dome tweeter - i didnt realize how soft it really was, and accidentally poked it (the dent came back out.) Doing this (not that i would again in the future) wouldn't damage the speakers, right?

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    Quote Originally Posted by KPFury
    question: The 340's got that soft dome tweeter - i didnt realize how soft it really was, and accidentally poked it (the dent came back out.) Doing this (not that i would again in the future) wouldn't damage the speakers, right?
    OMG, you're one of those TWEETER TOUCHERS!! Actually, you're fine, just don't get too rough with it. I'd be willing to bet that, at some point, everyone has been drawn to touch their tweeters. A true audiophile never admits it.


  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Birmingham, Alabama

    Talking Tweeter Touching....

    You know it'll make you go blind.
    - EVH III

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Erie PA


    I'm almost even afraid to even LOOK at mine, let alone touch it!
    -- Tom --
    My HT

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Well, my gf and I just performed blind tests on each other listening to the 340c SE and 340c Classic.

    We had both set up in front of the tv side by side and alternated the connection while the other person closed their eyes and listened.

    The result-- we both conclusively found the SE to sound 'clearer' than the Classic, or, alternatively, found the Classic to sound slighlty more 'muffled' than the SE. It wasn't *dramatic*, but we definitely could both tell and independently made the same choice listening blindly.

    I'm almost tempted to upgrade my 170 surrounds to SEs now, too.

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