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Thread: Tried 340's and ******* 632's

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Tried 340's and ******* 632's

    Hey all, new to the forum and also Ascend in general. I mostly hang around AVS Forum, and that is where I first heard about these great speakers!

    Dave and the rest of the gang, bravo on some excellent speakers. I posted a description of my experience comparing the 340's to the ******* 632-LR's here:

    Needless to say, I and many of my friends were mightily impressed by the 340's. One of my friends is a big BA fan and has very discriminating taste. I spent nearly 4 hours listening to music with him. He just kept smiling and shaking his head the whole time. It was great. Another one of my friends went and bought a whole surround system from Ascend that very same week

    Here is a summary of our listening tests:

    There were a total of seven people (and one dog) involved in listening to these two speakers. After all was said and done, only one person didn't have a strong opinion on the matter. Everyone else basically shared the following opinion(s):

    The 340 is a very detialed, clean and accurate speaker. The Mids and Highs are very clearly articulated without being harsh or compressed. The lows are clean as far as they go (a sub works wonders with them). The *******'s go lower, but are a little boomy as well. The 340's are much more efficient than the 632's as evidenced by the fact that the volume must be turned up A LOT to get the same SPL readings. Also, the cone and suspension of the 340 is very light, giving it a quick response. Compared to the 340, the 632 is "missing something" in the midrange. I can't explain it any more than that. There is just something missing in the sound.

    After awhile, we just stopped comparing and listened to the 340's uninterrupted for a long time

    I am enjoying mine even as I type this. They sound so good even when I'm in the next room.

    Thanks again, Ascend people!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    Welcome to the forum and glad you are happy!

    One thing though, I want to know what the dog thought.

    Was wondering when you were going to make your way to the Ascend Forum.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    What is with you and dogs, Curtis?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Manhattan Beach, California


    I know the picture you posted....but it is not showing up.

    oh it is.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005



    Well, from what Lola tells me, she thinks the 30-50kHz range has some pretty steep rolloff

    Actually, the dog was extremely busy chasing around her toy, so I don't think she was listening very critically

    She did perk up and stare at one speaker, then the other when the intro to.... crap! I can't remember the song.... There was this one song... she would get up and run up to the speakers and start sniffing around and stuff. I think she thought there was another dog in there

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Charter Oak, Iowa


    Nice comparison Neil. It is always fun to read these when new folks discover the great sound of Ascend.

    My dog (his name is Lou, of course) just goes nuts when another dog barks on the show/movie we are watching. The Ascends must reproduce sound quite good to be able to fool a dog.


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