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Thread: htm-200 mounts

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2003



    The length of the shaft is about 3.5". When the shaft is mounted onto the bracket, the speaker sits about 3.75" away from the wall.

    If you want any more details, please pm me.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I sent an e-mail to Dave Fabrikant about flush-mounting the HTM-200s, noting that the screws are on the bottom, for use with a bracket. This is what he said:

    "The wall mount inserts on the HTM-200 are on the back of the speaker, not on the bottom. While you can't hang them flush with the brackets we sell, I have recommended these many time and they work quite well...

    You would need to actually screw the bracket into the speaker cabinet, but this is really not a problem at all. Many of our customers use this method."

    Dave and I then had these follow-up Q & As:

    >>The HTM-200 uses 5/8" MDF, right? So 1/2" or 3/8" wood screws should work, right?

    Yes.. the HTM-200 is 5/8" MDF (very dense). 1/2" screws or even 5/8" screws would be just fine!

    >>I know what you mean by the "wall mount inserts on the HTM-200 are on the back of the speaker, not on the bottom," but they are on the back towards the "bottom" of the speaker back. My question is, can you turn the speaker "upside down" to use these screws to support a hanger?

    Yes.. absolutely, without problem.

    >> I think you want the tweeter to be closest to the listener, so I might have to change sides of the room with that configuration, right? (I plan on using them as surrounds in a 5.1 setup).

    For surrounds it won't matter at all.

    >>One last question: My living room is "separated" from the walkway that runs along it by a couple of wall projections that stick out into the room about a foot or two, and are about a foot wide. I plan on hanging the speakers on the ends of these projections, so they will be on a flat surface, about a foot wide, that runs from floor to ceiling, with space on either side. I plan to hang them about 6 to 7 feet high, and the ceiling is about 10 feet. The listening position will be about 2 feet in front of the wall projection, and about 4-5 feet from the side of the wall projection. Should I hang them horizontally, with the tweeter on the bottom, or vertically, with the tweeter towards the listener?

    In that case I would recommend hanging them horizontally, with the tweeter towards the bottom. A five degree angle downwards would be perfect, and I recommend it. Dolby never considers music performance in any of their specifications ...

    Thanks to Dave for a great explanation. I hope he does not mind me posting it here, since it may answer a few questions that others may have.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    I ended up buying the M+K mounts that my local audio shop carried. they were similar to the omnimount, and have worked great.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    SouthWest of Cleveland


    Those keyslot brackets on the 200's look exactly like
    the ones I stole from a pair of cheapie Kenwood surrounds that came with my first add-on Pro-logic
    processor(long gone)and am currently using on my 2-way surrounds. I have them "hanging" from homemade 5' oak stands as wall mounting did not pass the WAF test!


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