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Thread: Review of HTM-200's, compare to Def. Tech

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Default Review of HTM-200's, compare to Def. Tech

    What follows is my review of the HTM-200's I recently received, and a comparison to my Def. Tech BP2000's.

    Since the only speakers I have left are these and my Definitive BP2000, I decided to do a comparison. First, a few caveats: 1) I know a $280 pair of speakers is not supposed to be compared to a $3,000 pair of speakers. It just isn't fair. Still, this is what I have. 2) To level the playing field a bit, I ran both with the SVS sub; I did not use the BP2000 built in subs. 3) I am just a music lover with an untrained ear. Nothing more.

    I primarily compared two tracks: 1) Evanescence, Going Under 2) Title track from Dire Straits, Brothers in Arms.

    First, I have never had a problem with the sound from my Def Techs, I just wanted something new. On Evanescence, the Def. Tech's won. They are more dynamic and stronger. They went much lower in the bass and connected with the sub. The 200's weren't bad, just not as good. By the way, I played both loud enough to set off the broken glass detector in the room, and only at this level could I hear a little strain from both. This strain could have just been the excess reflections in my room at this level.

    On Brothers in Arms, I preferred the 200's. The vocals were clearer. I could hear Mark Knopfler's voice waver slightly on the word "mountain" in the first line, something I never heard before. I could barely hear this on the Def. Techs, and I was listening for it. The thunder in the beginning was also clearer. There was more detail in the rumbles of the 200's.

    The strength of the 200's is clearly in the mids and voices. There were more details and clarity. Their weakness was the "hole" in the bass between these and the sub. Don't get me wrong, I know this is great bass for a tiny speaker, I was just comparing them to the Def. Techs.

    The Def Tech's had more punch, crisper highs, and lower extension. If I could keep one pair for fronts, I would keep the Def. Techs. However, I can sell the Def Techs and pay for an ENTIRE 5 piece Ascend system, which is exactly what I am doing. I also sold the other 3 speakers of the system and bought my sub with CHANGE LEFT OVER to go towards a new screen.

    Needless to say, I can hardly wait to get my three 340's and run them through their paces.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Hi Leon,

    Wow.. great review and thank YOU! I am absolutely honored that my beloved little HTM-200 faired so well against such a renowned loudspeaker.

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the 340s...
    Good Sound To You!

    David Fabrikant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Yeah, I bet upgrading to the deeper response of the 340s will definetly give you pause...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Yeah, that Dave guy makes a half-way decent speaker. (runs for cover)

    BTW: I consider myself pretty spoiled to have a pair of HTM-200s at the office. I don't get to bring the volume up much, but they still sound great.

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