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Thread: Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD

  1. #1
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    Default Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD

    Looks like they are headed in the right direction.....lets hope!

  2. #2
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    Default Not so fast Curtis!

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    Toshiba slams Blu-ray/ HD DVD convergence claims
    By Tony Smith (tony.smith at
    Published Tuesday 10th May 2005 11:18 GMT

    Claims that moves to unify the two key competing HD video disc formats are progressing to a successful conclusion are "unfounded and erroneous", Toshiba said today.

    Toshiba is pushing HD DVD. Sony is promoting Blu-ray Disc (BD). Both formats use blue laser light to increase the capacity of a DVD-sized optical disc sufficiently to allow it to hold HD movie content. BD has the edge in capacity - 25GB per layer, to HD DVD's 15GB - but is harder to make and is potentially less resistant to damage. Both camps have won big-name backers from the movie, storage and computing markets.

    This is a recipe for commercial disaster, as the two formats battle it out for consumers' hearts, minds and wallets. Generally, consumers are unwilling to make a choice until there's a clear winner - the last thing anyone wants is to be lumbered with a moribund format.

    No wonder, then, that Sony revealed ( last month it was open to discussing how the two formats might be aligned. Soon after, Toshiba said it was indeed talking to the BD camp about such matters, a fact it re-iterated today.

    "We are actively participating in talks towards format unification," it said in statement released this morning.

    "At this point, however, nothing has been decided, and absolutely no decision has been made for unification on any basis," it added ominously. "The indication that a unification agreement on the basis of a 0.1mm disc system is imminent is unfounded and erroneous. Given this, Toshiba does not intend to make any proposal on unification to the members of the HD DVD Promotion Group."

    Toshiba said it would continue with the discussions; but we wonder if talk are simply an attempt by each camp to persuade the other to drop their favourite format. Certainly, representatives from both groups have in the past vociferously denied there is any way the two formats might be physically integrated. Any union between the two is therefore likely to centre on implementing format A's file structure on format B's physical disc specification. Either way round, that means one or other disc must be ditched.

    As if to highlight the gulf between the BD and HD DVD, Toshiba also intends to present "a new higher capacity HD DVD-ROM disc" this week at Media-Tech Expo 2005 in Las Vegas.

    The BD Forum will also be at the show, to provide an update on its as-yet-incomplete format later today.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    smokey lives!!!!

    Very interesting stuff......I won't hold my breath then.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by curtis
    smokey lives!!!!
    Very interesting stuff......I won't hold my breath then.
    I've said it before. There's just way too much money tied-up in each format for one side to give in. As Toshiba has pointed out repeatedly, the two formats are technically incompatible. The suits in the front office who want a standard format aren't talking to the engineers. The sooner a war starts, the sooner we'll have a survivor. I won't call it a winner because by the time one format dominates, it'll be time for a new format to emerge.


  5. #5
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    Apr 2004


    here's some more recent news

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Oaktown, CA


    Ok. Guess I'll go out and get that new Universal DVD player I've been putting off for so long. By the time this (neo Beta v. VHS) war plays itself out, I could be too old to appreciate it. I refuse to be a soldier on these front lines. Ugh...
    Yes Eve, I like to watch.

    My setup:
    HT: 340SE's Front & Center - 340 Classic's Surround, SVS PB110-ISD.
    Office (2-ch): 170SE's

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    yeah, it's kind of frustrating. i just came to the conclusion not to get my hopes up. i'm pretty satisfied with standard stereo CDs and DD/DTS. i'm sure better technologies will emerge eventually, but unfortunately we won't be around long enough to see all of them. wouldn't it be amazing to see the future 200 years from now?

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