How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
Wondering if anyone had done the LEDR test on their Sierra 2’s (or EX). I’ve tried it and I can’t get my Sierra 2’s to image the way the test says it should sound (vertical imaging, front to back and left to right imaging). Not sure if anyone has thoughts on this test. I may have to play with some speaker positioning to see if it helps things. I get great center imaging with the 2’s but never get the pinpoint instruments in different locations that people seem to talk about.
Link to LEDR test sounds:
Re: How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
Originally Posted by
Wondering if anyone had done the LEDR test on their Sierra 2’s (or EX). I’ve tried it and I can’t get my Sierra 2’s to image the way the test says it should sound (vertical imaging, front to back and left to right imaging). Not sure if anyone has thoughts on this test. I may have to play with some speaker positioning to see if it helps things. I get great center imaging with the 2’s but never get the pinpoint instruments in different locations that people seem to talk about.
Link to LEDR test sounds:
This is all about room acoustics, if possible - please post a picture of your room that shows the speakers and your listening position.
Re: How well do your Sierra-2Â’s image? LEDR test?
Originally Posted by
This is all about room acoustics, if possible - please post a picture of your room that shows the speakers and your listening position.
Thanks Dave. Any help would be appreciated. My room is a living room that is not your standard rectangular shaped room. Attached is a picture of the room with the speakers and a Sketchup model I made of the room to give you an idea of its shape and openings.
Here are details on the setup:
- Left and right speakers are about 6 feet apart
- Speakers (as measured at the driver) are 3 feet out from the back of the recessed cove/shelf area
- Speakers are about 1 ft extended from the face of the fireplace
- Listening distance is about 10.5ft from each speaker
- Listening distance is about 6.5 ft from the back wall and about 11 ft to fireplace face (13 ft to back wall of recessed cove/shelf)
- Speakers are toed-in to the point that I can just barely see the inside sides of the speakers
- The white boxy thing behind the right speaker is my subwoofer
- There is no room treatment other than a thin rug up front (baby gate is to protect the speakers from a active toddler)
If you have any suggestions please let me know. I always found the idea of being able to pinpoint instruments with height and depth through two speakers to be odd but if it's possible to achieve I'd like to try.
Re: How well do your Sierra-2Â’s image? LEDR test?
Are you testing from behind that child gate?
Re: How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
Originally Posted by
Are you testing from behind that child gate?
I did do the test with the baby gate in place. I could move it and retest but I don’t think it’s the issue regarding the imaging, but I could be wrong. Honestly I’m not sure how reflections play in the whole imaging thing and if there needs to be some perfect alignment of reflections in order to hear the vertical and depth imaging. I have no problem with center imaging as vocals are dead center when I listen to music in 2 channel.
Re: How well do your Sierra-2Â’s image? LEDR test?
Originally Posted by
- Left and right speakers are about 6 feet apart
- Listening distance is about 10.5ft from each speaker
- Speakers are toed-in to the point that I can just barely see the inside sides of the speakers
Your speakers are too close together relative to your listening position. For good imaging, you basically want an equilateral triangle, with the speakers at two points and the listening position at the third.
But if you can't do this, well, even the best speakers won't image particularly well.
You can test it out, though, by measuring and then sitting in the appropriate location, and then re-doing the LEDR test. Generally the difference between being in the "right" position vs. not is pretty striking.
This can often be hard to achieve in real rooms, so many of us live with compromises. Most of the time I don't really sit quite in the sweet spot and I've learned to put up with it, but sometimes I move to a better location when I'm listening more seriously, and what a difference it makes. Easy to forget how good it can be.
It's a tough problem. In your case, if your listening position is kind of set, moving the speakers further apart might start to push them too close to the side walls, which can create other problems.
Re: How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
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Your speakers are too close together relative to your listening position. For good imaging, you basically want an equilateral triangle, with the speakers at two points and the listening position at the third.
But if you can't do this, well, even the best speakers won't image particularly well.
You can test it out, though, by measuring and then sitting in the appropriate location, and then re-doing the LEDR test. Generally the difference between being in the "right" position vs. not is pretty striking.
This can often be hard to achieve in real rooms, so many of us live with compromises. Most of the time I don't really sit quite in the sweet spot and I've learned to put up with it, but sometimes I move to a better location when I'm listening more seriously, and what a difference it makes. Easy to forget how good it can be.
It's a tough problem. In your case, if your listening position is kind of set, moving the speakers further apart might start to push them too close to the side walls, which can create other problems.
I can just sit closer for now and run the test again. So are you able to get the sounds to image the way they’re designed to be on your speakers?
1 Attachment(s)
Re: How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
This is all new to me! How interesting!
I mean, the concept if imaging is not new to me. The LEDR test is. I have a whole new rabbit hole to get lost down now... lol.
Attachment 1925
Re: How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
Well I've gone ahead and retried the test with the "equilateral triangle" listening position as was suggested. I also folded up the baby gate out of the way so that no one would accuse it of messing up the test. The test was run both with the speakers pointing straight ahead and with the speakers toed-in. With that said, I'm still not able to get any depth or vertical imaging from the test. I get perfectly fine/smooth left to center to right imaging, but I get nothing from the test sounds that should show a sense of height or depth.
I'm hoping someone with Sierra 2's (or 2-EX) could confirm that they are able to get height and depth imaging from their speakers. So far, it doesn't seem like anyone has been able to get that type of imaging from these speakers. I'm willing to try to fix my setup but before I spend hours upon hours (and dollars upon dollars) I'd like to know that these speakers are able to produce height and depth imaging. I know the ribbon tweeters have very limited vertical dispersion so not sure if that affects the "height" imaging.
From the description of the test, it seems like it might be somewhat based on ear shape so maybe my ear just isn't shaped correctly for this test. Alternatively, does anyone have any examples of songs that should show off height and/or depth imaging that I can use to test?
Re: How well do your Sierra-2’s image? LEDR test?
Found some Yosi Horikawa songs (Stars and Bubbles in particular) that had some strong height and depth imaging I could hear. Guess the LEDR test isn’t the be all end all determination on imaging. Just takes the right recording I suppose.
Still would be interested to see if anyone is able to get the LEDR test to work with their Sierra 2’s though.